
The Galicia Project: David Chipperfield and Fundación RIA

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It was a late summer evening on top of a roof terrace in downtown Athens, where a group of architects, artists and political scientists were discussing David Chipperfield’s new extension proposal for the National Archeological Museum, selected by the municipality a year prior, in 2023. Since then, the renowned architect has become a well-known name in the Athenian community, with his other projects, such as the Neues Museum in Berlin and the Procuratie Vecchie restoration in Venice, becoming examples of his architectural sensitivity towards cultural landmarks. Through the conversation, one thing was clear:

“We need a starchitect that understands and respects culture.”

Even though the term “starchitect” is problematic, the reasoning behind this particular phrase is quite strategic. David Chipperfield is a figure who convinces the never-changing, mistrusting Greeks that a piece of their cultural heritage lies in good hands, ready to undergo a makeover that will not only impact the museum itself but, more importantly, the immediate urban fabric that has been gradually deteriorating since the 2008 financial crisis.

Left: Fac?ade of Casa RIA, the new RIA headquarters in the historical centre of Santiago de Compostela | Right: A Cantina is the gastronomic space that supports the public programme of Casa RIA | Photos by Adrián Capelo?

The Casa RIA exhibition space hosts temporary exhibitions aligned with RIA’s research areas | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

It is not by chance that associating Chipperfield’s name with the particular project exuded a sense of confidence and relief. His optimistic approach is that architects need to become reengaged with society, environment and culture, tackling larger, more strategic and impactful projects and stop being mere ‘architectural decorators;’ a philosophy that led to his own research project situated in Galicia, Spain.

David Chipperfield’s relationship with the place started in 1990, when he built a holiday house. After almost two decades, the president of Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo asked him whether he could help improve the region’s planning, stating that “the nature is spectacular and the towns are amazing in their essence, but they mess them up. They are modernized in the most horrible, brutal manner.”

As a result, the architect set up a research group named Fundación RIA in Santiago de Compostela, which acts as a non-profit independent agency that studies and develops territorial strategies for Galicia to preserve its natural and cultural heritage. The rest of the article presents two research projects and two reflection pieces written by David Chipperfield himself, discussing the area’s abundance in opportunity, where its natural landscape, culture and traditions hold the key to rediscovering and reappropriating the Galician local identity.

Urban sprawl in the surroundings of Vigo, the most populated city of Galicia | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

Revitalization plan for the model village of Muimenta, in collaboration with the regional government | Courtesy of Fundación RIA

1. Model villages

One initiative is the regeneration plans for the pilot model villages of muimenta and trascastro, which become architectural instruments that deal with the degradation of the productive, rural force of Galicia, due to population losses and the abandonment of land. Consequently, these model villages rehabilitate the buildings and public spaces, with the aim to attract new residences and reactivate the region’s productive force.

Layout for the future headquarters of the Marine Research Institute (CSIC) in Vigo | Courtesy of Fundación RIA

2. CISC marine research institute

This project develops the masterplan for the relocation of the Spanish institution of marine research center (IMM) to the former ETEA in Vigo, a marine research pole. The new location allows the IMM to grow to an impressive number of 350 employees as well as come in contact with other educational institutions such as the University of Vigo. This urban gesture essentially transforms the wider area into an international reference for marine research, promoting scientific progress and drawing up a planning proposal that integrates new buildings within the existing context, while responding at the same time to the programmatic needs of the IMM.

In addition to hosting multidisciplinary and participative processes, ‘Towards a territorial agenda for Galicia,” RIA hosts student workshops to engage young minds in hands-in learning and problem-solving | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

The local newspaper La Voz de Galicia (the voice of Galicia) has been a crucial tool throughout the community’s redevelopment. Over time, David Chipperfield reflected upon a series of opinion articles presented through the paper that discuss the many issues Galicia — and by extent Fundación RIA — have to resolve.

3. Vamos a la calle

A fundamental challenge that had to be addressed was controlling the irregular planning and prioritization of cars and convenience over local heritage. Throughout the years streets were converted from social spaces into traffic highways, eradicating any sense of communal, public space. David Chipperfield writes ‘Over the last 40 years, Galician towns and cities have suffered a loss of identity as a result of poorly controlled development and the indiscriminate demolition of old buildings.’ He places great emphasis on the ‘public floor’, i.e. pavements and surfaces that create a sense of consideration and importance to the people that experience them.

Furthermore, Chipperfield praises the project of Porto do Son, completed in 2022 by CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos and rvr arquitectos, which not only regains the port’s public space but manages to do so through a series of collaborating efforts and the dissolution of frequently clashing interests amongst its residents and political parties.

The foundation addresses sustainable land management, and Barbanza Ecosocial Lab is an action research project promoting sustainable local initiatives | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

4. Galicia, land of opportunity

Finally, the architect reflects upon an opinion article that discusses concerns on global warming and how it greatly affects communities as well as the overall quality of life. Through his writing, he characterizes Galicia as a region that is more prepared to deal with climate change than other Spanish areas. Nature is embedded in the area’s way of life, through their traditional farming systems, and extended natural resource. It holds the infrastructure necessary, in which humans can work together with nature and explore ways of production and distribution that has no environmental impact.

David Chipperfield in Galicia, with views of the Ría de Arousa | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

Observing both the founder’s as well as the foundation’s research and actions, one notices that their ideas are intertwined. In both their work (written and visual) architecture — in its traditional sense — is given a backseat. Conversations on form, geometry, materials and spatial organization are replaced (in the case of the Galicia project) with discussions on management, marine biology and relocation of institutions and governing bodies, while inter-disciplinary studies, strategic decisions and a deep understanding of culture and local community are also the bread and butter in Chipperfield’s overall work.

Returning to the small community of Exarcheia in downtown Athens, where the National History Museum is located, it is not surprising that David Chipperfield has been such a “reassuring” choice for the wider architectural community: he is an architect who looks beyond aesthetics and is perfectly in tune with the context in which he designs. The Galicia project is an experiment not just for Chipperfield but for the global architectural community; fortunately, it seems to be succeeding and perhaps will pave the way for other architects to follow in its footsteps.

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

Top image: View of the Ría de Arousa, Galicia | Photo by Adrián Capelo?

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“We Should Travel for Architecture, Not Food. Change My Mind.”

Ema is a trained architect, writer and photographer who works as a Junior Architect at REX in NYC. Inspired by her global experiences, she shares captivating insights into the world’s most extraordinary cities and buildings and provides travel tips on her blog, The Travel Album.

When it comes to travel, food often takes center stage. We see countless travel blogs and guides centered around culinary exploration — sampling street food in Bangkok, indulging in croissants in Paris, or seeking out the best gelato in Rome. While there is no denying the appeal of experiencing a region’s gastronomy, I would argue that architecture offers an equally, if not more, compelling reason to travel. Architecture is the silent storyteller of a place, reflecting its culture, history, and aspirations in a way that food alone cannot. Let’s take a moment to consider why we should travel for architecture, not just for food.

Architecture: The Universal Language of Travel

DZ Bank Berlin, Berlin, Germany by Gehry Partners

DZ Bank Berlin, Berlin, Germany by Gehry Partners

DZ Bank Berlin by Gehry Partners, Berlin, Germany

One of the most fascinating aspects of architecture is its ability to communicate without the need for translation. Where food might require an understanding of local ingredients, methods, and sometimes even cultural customs, architecture transcends these boundaries. A building or structure can evoke emotion, inspire awe, and reveal the ingenuity of its creators without requiring prior knowledge of its origin.

Take for example the inspiring Gothic cathedrals of Europe or the sleek, modernist lines of Frank Gehry’s designs. These structures are instantly recognizable and leave an impression that speaks to people from all walks of life. Architecture, much like art, is a universal language that invites exploration and interpretation regardless of where you’re from or what you know about a particular culture. You don’t need to be able to grasp the intricacies of construction to appreciate the sheer grandeur of iconic buildings or to stand in awe of their innovative designs. In this way, architecture offers a truly universal experience that crosses borders, much like a shared language.

Architecture: A Feast for the Eyes and Soul

Centre Pompidou Metz Metz, France by Shigeru Ban Architects

Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, France by Shigeru Ban Architects

While food offers an ephemeral pleasure, architecture provides a lasting experience one that engages the senses over time. A meal can be delicious, even memorable, but it is fleeting. Architecture, on the other hand, remains as a lasting imprint of a city’s character and history, withstanding the test of time.

Consider the Colosseum in Rome. As a structure that has withstood nearly two millennia, its impact is far more enduring than even the most revered Italian cuisine (in my opinion). The experience of standing before this ancient amphitheater, imagining the history that unfolded within its walls, offers an emotional depth that far surpasses any plate of pasta. Architecture allows us to connect not just with a place in the present, but with its past, its evolution over centuries, and its role in shaping the lives of those who came before us. It is a way of engaging with history in three dimensions.

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, for example, stands as a testament to how architecture can reshape entire cities. Frank Gehry’s design is not only an extraordinary piece of architecture but also a transformative project that revitalized a city. The structure itself is more than a venue for art exhibitions; it is an artwork that elevates the urban experience. Visitors from around the world are drawn to witness how it embodies the intersection of art, architecture and urban renewal. The success of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has stimulated local economy and inspired other cities to invest in architectural projects as catalysts for urban renewal and economic growth. This case underlines the unique power of architecture to not only serve functional or aesthetic purposes but also to foster socio-economic development and cultural renaissance in urban settings. The experience of walking around and within such a structure feeds not just the eyes but also the soul. This lasting impact is something that architecture uniquely provides.

Architectural Destinations Over Culinary Hotspots

Blue Planet, Kastrup, Denmark by 3XN

Blue Planet, Kastrup, Denmark by 3XN

Blue Planet by 3XN, Kastrup, Denmark

While many travel destinations are celebrated for their food scenes, I would argue that their architecture is the true highlight. Whereas meals are transient, the experience of architecture is lasting. The spaces and buildings we explore continue to resonate with us long after we return home. They provide a place for us to gather, explore and experience either in groups or alone, and each person individually perceives and interprets these buildings and spaces uniquely. The grandeur of a city’s skyline or the quiet dignity of a well-designed public park influences our perceptions of a place and our memories of it. These architectural experiences shape our narratives of travel and become landmarks in our personal and shared histories.

Take Paris, for instance. While food enthusiasts may seek out the best patisseries, it is the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the intricate beauty of Haussmannian buildings that truly define the city. Paris is remembered as much for its architectural splendor as for its culinary delights. Similarly, consider Chicago. Famous for its deep-dish pizza, yes, but even more so for the architecture that makes it unique. From the soaring Willis Tower to the elegant lines of Mies van der Rohe’s modernist buildings and the playful reflective curves of The Bean, Chicago’s architectural heritage defines the city far more profoundly than its local dishes. Architecture becomes the enduring hallmark of these cities — the signature feature that remains long after the memory of a meal has faded.

Architecture is Global, Food is Local

Tianjin Binhai Library, Tianjin, China by MVRDV

Tianjin Binhai Library, Tianjin, China by MVRDV

Tianjin Binhai Library by MVRDV, Tianjin, China

Another compelling argument in favor of architecture as the true focus of travel is its global nature. While culinary traditions are often limited to specific regions — such as authentic Neapolitan pizza in Italy or traditional sushi in Japan — architecture has a far-reaching, global presence. Roman aqueducts, for instance, can be found throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, a testament to the widespread influence of Roman engineering.

This brings me to another key point: traveling for architecture offers significant educational benefits. It exposes us to different architectural movements, design philosophies and engineering feats. This exposure is not just academic; it informs our understanding of space and functionality, influencing everything from our aesthetic preferences to our ideas about living environments. For those interested in design, urban planning or art, the educational benefits of architectural travel are immense. Architecture allows travelers to witness how ideas, styles and innovations transcend borders. It reveals the interconnections between cultures and provides a broader understanding of global history, politics and economics, much more so than food, which remains tightly tied to its local roots.

Architecture Offers Adventure and Engagement

Danish National Maritime Museum, Helsingør, Denmark by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)

While culinary travel may lead us to vibrant markets or celebrated restaurants, it is often a more passive experience. Architecture, on the other hand, offers adventure and engagement. Choosing architecture as the focus of our travels encourages us to look up and beyond the immediate gratifications of sensory experiences. It invites us to engage with our surroundings more thoughtfully and to appreciate the interplay of light, space, and material that only architecture can offer. As travelers, if we shift our gaze from the dining tables to the cityscapes, we might discover not just new sights but new ways of seeing.

Take the winding streets of Venice, where every turn offers a new discovery of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque buildings. Walking through Venice is an immersive experience, where architecture becomes an adventure in itself, pulling you deeper into the city’s history and culture. Or consider Machu Picchu, where the architecture is not just something to admire but something to physically engage with — climbing the terraces, moving through the ruins, and immersing yourself in the landscape. In my opinion, architecture is often overlooked and taken for granted because it’s a constant presence in our lives. But I strongly believe that it encourages travelers to look deeper, to explore more fully, and to engage with their surroundings in a way that food simply cannot.

A Lasting Impression

While the delights of global cuisine are undeniable, the benefits of traveling for architecture provide a more profound, enduring and enriching experience. It is an invitation to engage with the world on a deeper level, offering insights not just into how people live, but how they aspire to live. For those seeking a truly transformative travel experience, architecture offers a path that is as intellectually rewarding as it is visually spectacular.

While food offers a sensory pleasure, it is temporary. Architecture, however, leaves a lasting impression. It defines cities, tells the story of cultures, and offers us a glimpse into the minds and hands that shaped the world. The next time you plan a trip, rather than searching for the best restaurants or street food stalls, consider focusing on the architecture.. or at least both. It will leave you with a deeper understanding of the place, its people, and its history. Architecture, after all, is the true feast — one that nourishes the soul and continues to inspire long after the journey has ended.

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

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Sustainable Practice: The Chengdu Panda Pavilions and the Architecture of Immersive Conservation

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

The problem with news media, particularly in the social age, is the propensity to focus on negatives. This is rarely more obvious than coverage of climate and the environment. 

On the one hand, denialist tendencies are exhibited by some corners of the press, usually in the form of scathing critiques taking aim at arguments based on modeling and estimates rather than “hard facts.” A disparaging light in which to cast any scientific study, let alone those relating to a crisis we are now watching happen in real-time.

On the other side of the fence, green-aligned journalism is the stuff of nightmares. Unless we choose a different path, we are essentially on a collision course with searing temperatures, the collapse of vital natural systems, the disappearance of most species and, eventually, the complete exhaustion of resources. 

This blunt object narrative is clearly necessary, considering the academic consensus that climate change is definitely taking place and poses an existential threat to life on Earth. Yet, we’re not actually doing very much about it at any reasonable pace. Shock and awe is an obvious tactic.

Nevertheless, it’s also important to celebrate and trumpet the victories that have come from our painfully slow movement towards more environmentally conscious attitudes. If everything is doomed there might not be much point in trying. If policies are working to mitigate and restore, telling people about it means there’s more chance of them taking an interest in getting involved.

Inside The Panda Pavilions at The Chengdu National Giant Panda Research and Breeding Center by Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch, Chengdu, China

Conservation is one of the biggest shifts in how we view the planet and all its inhabitants. The fact we’re losing species faster than at any other point in recorded history is a product of how bad things have been allowed to get for centuries, and how difficult wildernesses are to police, not a lack of effort to stop the decline today.

Bald eagles, California condor, the swift fox, and licking river mussels are all examples of US wildlife success stories. Species that were driven almost to the point of extinction, before clawing their way back from the brink with some human assistance. Outside the United States, there are many more cases like these.

The Giant Panda is one. By the 1980s, just 1,100 or so of these incredible creatures were thought to still exist in China. A decade ago, new estimates put this closer to 2,000 and rising. In response, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) removed them from the Red List of Threatened Species. 

The Chengdu National Giant Panda Research and Breeding Center has played an integral role in this recovery, and while there is still a very long way to go before we can consider pandas ‘safe’, the institution is already preparing for the future of its vital work. The world’s leading site of study for this type of bear has recently expanded with an Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch-designed series of structures made from wood-grained aluminum and bamboo.

External view of The Panda Pavilions by Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch, Chengdu, China

Aesthetically made to reflect the vast prairie landscapes beyond the sprawling city of Chengdu-proper, the four ring-shaped pavilions complement the sloped parklands outside the walls. Some elements sink beneath the ground or tree line, and others rising above them, and offer both behavioral research labs for the scientists and the living habitats of the pandas themselves. 

Outdoor terraces and indoor areas provide spaces for the animals to play, sleep and eat. Administrative offices and rooms for preserving and storing the bamboo that plays such a dominant part in panda diets, and interactive educational and exhibition spaces are also located within the same structures. This means the third stakeholders — visitors — quickly find themselves fully immersed in both the human-led studies and the daily life of bears. 

Breaking down the fourth wall, in a manner of speaking, and offering a seamless integration between bears, researchers and members of the public is essential to create a sense of participation in the preservation and research process. An important win when we need to engage with far wider numbers on issues such as species decline, and just how precious living things are. 

“The design of the panda pavilions concerns with the integration of human experience, architecture and environment. It is intended as a convergence of architecture, landscape and land art. While the project provides a pedestrian friendly navigation experience for the visitors, it prioritizes an animal-friendly environment to minimize the alienation of ecology, promoting biodiversity conservation,” Jiang says of the project. Looking at the results, it would seem there’s another environmental success story worth celebrating. 

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

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Cultural Lattices: The Architectural Evolution of the Modern Mashrabiya

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

Unity — it’s something many of us feel we need more of right now. Each day, the world seems to become more connected yet ever more fragmented. From the beginning, architecture has been used as a way to express identity and cultural values, with many genres over the centuries being embedded with symbolism and societal significance. Today, amongst architects and enthusiasts alike, there is a growing appreciation for architectural elements that honor heritage and are rooted in authenticity. Such features allow architects to bridge the divide between local and global communities, helping unify us through a deeper understanding of other societies and building appreciation of our shared histories.

Abrahamic Family House by Adjaye Associates, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | Jury Winner, Religious Buildings and Memorials, 12th Annual A+Awards | Photo by Dror Baldinger

The mashrabiya, a hallmark of Islamic architecture, is one such element — a time-honored feature that speaks to the ingenuity of our ancestors, is full of symbolism, and continues to have a functionality that is as relevant and useful in the modern world as it was in ancient times.

The origins of mashrabiya might just be as varied as the patterns they are made of. Emerging from the Islamic world’s golden age (somewhere between the 8th and 14th centuries), this innovative architectural element has traveled across time and continents. Having left its mark on buildings from Marrakesh to Baghdad, from the palatial homes of Ottoman Istanbul to the wind-swept streets of Al-Andalus. It is since then, in these varied locations, that the mashrabiya has been adopted and adapted by many different regions and cultures.

The term “mashrabiya” is derived from the Arabic word “mashrafa,” which means a place of drinking or refreshment. Initially, it referred to an area where water jars were placed to cool, benefiting from the breeze that would pass through the detailed latticework. Over time, mashrabiya evolved into the name for an intricate wooden screen that adorned the windows and balconies of not only this space but all windows in the home.

Abrahamic Family House by Adjaye Associates, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | Jury Winner, Religious Buildings and Memorials, 12th Annual A+Awards. | Photo by Dror Baldinger

It’s easy to be captivated by the intricate wooden lattices of mashrabiyas. They typically have delicate patterns that cast dappled light onto floors and walls. Many would think they are merely decorative elements, embellishments to simple stone buildings. However, these lattices are an ingenious blend of form and function and were some of the earliest methods for controlling solar gain in regions with high solar irradiance.

Mashrabiyas shield interiors from the harsh glare of the sun, channeling cooling breezes into rooms and offering privacy without severing the connection to the world outside. The latticework allows for diffused light to enter a room, reducing glare and minimizing the harshness of direct sunlight. This diffusion of light protects interiors from overheating and minimizes the need for artificial lighting, ultimately conserving energy. Studies in passive cooling techniques have demonstrated that these kinds of traditional methods can reduce indoor temperatures by as much as 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 15 degrees Celsius), creating more comfortable living conditions without reliance on modern HVAC systems.

United States Consulate General by Richärd Kennedy Architects, Hyderabad, India | Jury Winner, Government and Civic Buildings, 12th Annual A+Awards | Photograph by Gabe Border

Equally, mashrabiyas are designed to improve and facilitate natural ventilation. The small apertures in the lattice create a stack effect, where cooler air from the exterior is drawn in while warmer air is expelled through other openings, which creates a natural cooling breeze within the space without the need for excessive energy use.In recent years, with many towns and cities facing an increase in overall temperature and a desire to adopt energy-conscious architectural systems, mashrabiyas are experiencing a revival. As architects and designers search for ways to infuse contemporary buildings with local character and sustainable design principles, the centuries-old mashrabiya is regarded as an obvious solution. It is being reinterpreted and reimagined, not only in the Middle East but in cities around the globe.

United States Consulate General by Richärd Kennedy Architects, Hyderabad, India | Jury Winner, Government and Civic Buildings, 12th Annual A+Awards | Photo by Gabe Border

While installing a mashrabiya is a fantastic technical solution for climate issues, there is an additional benefit to adopting such historically and culturally significant design styles. These styles have the potential to bridge divides — not just between interior and exterior spaces but also between cultures, eras and even ideologies.

The patterns of the mashrabiya are not arbitrary. They often follow complex geometric principles that are found in various forms of Islamic art. In Islamic culture, geometric patterns are used to represent the infinite nature of creation and the togetherness of the cosmos. The repetition of geometric shapes symbolizes the infinite nature of Allah, a theme that is incredibly meaningful within Islamic spiritual thought. With that in mind, this same symbolism is a useful tool for architects who wish to convey unity with their designs.

Additionally, the mashrabiya is an excellent example of commonly explored architectural philosophy, the reconciliation of opposites, or juxtapositions. Mashrabiya can balance light and shade, control visibility and privacy, and today blend tradition and innovation. This duality is a direct reflection of the rich culture that defines Islamic architecture and one that resonates powerfully across the wider architecture community.

OFFICE @ 63 by Sanjay Puri Architects, Navi Mumbai, India | Popular Winner, Commercial Interiors (<25000 sq ft), 12th Annual A+Awards | (Also pictured at top of article)  

In multicultural urban centers, mashrabiya-inspired designs can be used as a visual and conceptual link for unity. They can honor local heritage while implementing highly modern architectural techniques, creating buildings that are both a celebration of culture and forward-thinking architecture. Whether in the context of a modern skyscraper or a restored historic building, the mashrabiya is a feature that highlights how architecture has the potential to be more than just a building.

In the end, the mashrabiya, an amazing, functional architectural element, can also be seen as an opportunity to navigate the complexities of the modern world. It shows us that true innovation often lies in the reimagining of tradition and that in finding new ways to balance the needs of the individual with those of the community, the local with the global, we might look to symbolism for answers. As we continue to search for solutions to the challenges of our time, the mashrabiya offers a model of how architecture can contribute to a more harmonious, interconnected world. And in its delicate latticework, we might just find the key to unlocking a future that is as cohesive as it is diverse.

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

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Sky High Standards: The New Era of More Sustainable and Passenger-Friendly Airports

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

How can we transform our airport experience, which marks the beginning of our journey, into something more seamless and enjoyable? Facing the challenges of airport logistics, passport control and security checkpoints, we naturally wish for a smoother, more pleasant experience. This growing desire is driving a transformative shift in airport design, guided by two crucial imperatives. First, there is a pressing need for energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable facilities, reflecting a global commitment to reducing carbon footprints and lessening the impact of large-scale infrastructure. Second, airport design increasingly prioritizes enhancing the traveler experience, creating functional, comfortable and engaging spaces.

This dual approach acknowledges that airports are more than just transit points; they are complex ecosystems where environmental responsibility and passenger comfort must harmoniously coexist, turning what used to be a source of anxiety into a peaceful prelude to your journey. Let’s explore lessons from three cutting-edge before discussing the new, future directions of global airport design.

Garden City Spirit at Kempegowda Airport

Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru — Terminal 2

Kempegowda International Airport, Terminal 2

Kempegowda International Airport, Terminal 2 by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Bengaluru, India | Photos by Ar. Ekansh Goel from Studio Recall | Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner, Sustainable Transportation Project, 12th Annual A+Awards

Inspired by Bengaluru’s reputation as India’s “garden city,” Terminal 2 (T2) at Kempegowda International Airport redefines the airport experience by integrating nature into the 2.7 million-square-foot (255,000-square-meter) bustling international hub. The complex, clad in brick, engineered bamboo, and glass, comprises interconnected buildings linked by outdoor landscaped areas.

The main terminal block, which includes check-in, immigration, security, retail, arrivals and baggage claim, is separated from the gates at Terminal 2 by a 29.5-foot-wide (90-meter-wide) “forest belt” featuring indigenous flora, meandering paths and bamboo-clad pavilions. Bridges, outdoor pathways and large skylights create a calming, immersive experience that contrasts with the bustling airport activity. Plants hanging from the bamboo ceiling and green walls further enhance the terminal. The nature-themed design responds to the horticultural heritage and climate of Bengaluru while also promoting sustainability.

A Multi-Sensory Oasis at Changi Airport

Changi Airport Terminal 2

Changi Airport Terminal 2

Changi Airport Terminal 2 by BOIFFILS Architectures, Singapore | Photos by Fabian Ong for Changi Airport Group | Popular Choice Winner, Transport Interiors, 12th Annual A+Awards

The expansion and renovation of Terminal 2 at Singapore’s Changi Airport, spanning 1,291,670 square feet (120,000 square meters) across three levels. This redesign aims to enhance the traveler experience through spectacular visual, auditory, and interactive elements, transforming the terminal into a serene, multi-sensory indoor landscape. Water features, rock formations, and lush vegetation blur the boundaries between architecture and nature. Immersive installations like Wonderfall and Dreamscape offer a relaxing retreat for layover passengers. The Departure Hall’s check-in islands create a spacious feel and ensure smooth circulation. Green walls, vibrant carpeting, and organic design elements enhance the environment. Artisanal materials and handcrafted features, like organic-shaped counters and blown glass chandeliers, add to the human experience. Together, these elements contribute to a stress-free journey for all travelers.

Sustainable Expansion at Boston Logan

Boston Logan International Airport Terminal E

Boston Logan International Airport Terminal E

Boston Logan International Airport Terminal E by AECOM, Boston, Massachusetts | Photos by Ema Peter Photography.

Terminal E at Boston Logan International Airport has expanded by 320,000 square feet (29,730 square meters) and renovated 70,000 square feet (6,500 square meters) to accommodate eight million passengers annually. The design integrates extensive daylighting, photovoltaic glass panels, and electrochromic glass to create a bright, comfortable environment. Features like the multi-story great hall and clerestory windows add to the aesthetic appeal, making the space more enjoyable for travelers.

Moreover, the terminal prioritizes energy efficiency and sustainability using hybrid energy recovery systems, efficient fixtures and recycled materials. The all-electric terminal and electrification of apron vehicles reduce carbon emissions and power consumption, contributing to a net-zero strategy. Additionally, the terminal’s design includes measures to withstand extreme weather events and serves as a noise barrier, further enhancing the travel experience. It also serves as a noise barrier, powering airplanes at the gate to cut hydrocarbon use. Critical buildings are raised above the floodplain to enhance resilience.

Balancing Aesthetics, Comfort and Security

LaGuardia Airport Terminal B by HOK, New York City, New York | Popular Choice Winner, Transportation Infrastructure, 12th Annual A+Awards

These three examples demonstrate how thoughtfully soothing design and careful analysis to streamline the various operations can significantly enhance the overall travel experience. They also underscore the importance of understanding travelers’ behavior and stress levels during their airport journey.

We can enjoy our journey in a relatively stress-free land side zone, leisurely exploring shopping, food and beverage areas or moving through moving walkways on the way to our gate. But, as much as the airport might try to keep things calm, there’s always a mix of excitement and uneasiness that creeps in well before we arrive at the airport. Our stress peaks at the security checkpoint, widely recognized as the most anxiety-inducing process of the journey for many travelers, closely followed by passport control. These stages can significantly overshadow the relative ease felt in the calmer areas of the airport. But how much say do architects and designers have in these areas, where security is at its height, full attention is required, and fewer distractions are preferable?

From a design perspective, security and passport checkpoint zones must adhere to strict regulations that prioritize security and efficient traveler flow, leaving limited room for design expression. On the other hand, even within these constraints, shouldn’t these areas still reflect the overall theme of the facility — albeit on a smaller scale and with less emphasis — to achieve a cohesive environment and enhance travelers’ experience? Integrating calming design elements, such as natural lighting, greenery and clear signage, can reduce stress and create a more pleasant environment. Additionally, incorporating efficient technology and streamlined processes can minimize wait times and enhance overall comfort, making these areas less intimidating and more user-friendly without compromising security.

From Check-In to Departure: How Technology Elevates the Airport Journey

San Francisco International Airport, Boarding Area E

San Francisco International Airport, Boarding Area E designed by Gensler, San Francisco, California | Photo by Joe Fletcher

Technology significantly enhances efficiency and reduces stress at check-in, security and passport checkpoints by cutting wait times and streamlining processes. Self-check-in kiosks empower travelers to swiftly check in, print boarding passes, and tag their luggage. Biometric verification methods, including facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, expedite identity checks, ensuring a seamless transition. Mobile apps and digital passes keep travelers informed with real-time updates on flight status, gate changes, and security wait times. At security checkpoints, smart screening technologies such as automated tray return systems and body scanners make the process quicker and less intrusive.

The integration of these technological processes into airport design ensures that efficiency and traveler convenience are seamlessly woven into the facility’s infrastructure, enhancing the overall passenger experience. Gensler’s renovation of San Francisco International Airport’s Terminal 3 Boarding Area E (T3BAE) exemplifies innovative design and interactive technology within a thoughtfully curated soothing environment, creating a space where travelers will truly enjoy spending their time.

From Green Design to Traveler Comfort: The New Standard in Airports

By integrating energy-efficient features and sustainable practices, airports like Boston Logan’s Terminal E and Bengaluru’s Terminal 2 at Kempegowda International Airport demonstrate a commitment to reducing environmental impact. Simultaneously, thoughtful design elements and advanced technologies ensure a stress-free, enjoyable journey for travelers. The future of airport design lies in this delicate balance, where aesthetics and functionality coexist to create efficient, comfortable and eco-friendly transit hubs that prioritize both the planet and the people.

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

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The Complicated Case of Polykatoikia, Athens’ Famous Postwar Apartment Blocks

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Homogenous. Boring. Bulky. Ugly.

These are some of the characterizations Athenians use to describe the buildings in which they live. The famous polykatoikia is a multi-housing apartment block whose name derives from poly, meaning many, and katoikia, meaning residence. This dominant morphological form has shaped Athens’ architectural identity since the early 20th century.

In 1933, a group of architects, theoreticians and artists boarded the ship Patris II to travel from Marseille to Athens to carry out the CIAM IV Conference (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne) titled “the Functional City”. Le Corbusier (architect), Fernand Léger (artist), Christian Zervos (art critic) and Siegfried Giedion (architectural historian) irreversibly shaped the future of Athens’s built environment by advocating and promoting the modernist movement, thus inspiring Greek architects to produce the first designs of the Athenian Polykatoikia.

Until the 1950s, polykatoikias slowly overshadowed the many two-story neoclassical houses that stood as the predominant form of residence throughout the city. However, in the late 1950s, following the devastating losses of the Second World War and the Greek Civil War, large parts of the population were leaving the countryside to migrate to the country’s capital in search of a better life. Consequently, the need for housing in Athens grew exponentially, and a new law, antiparochi, was created that changed the trajectory of the city’s urban layout forever. The law of antiparochi allowed landowners to exchange their plots for ownership of some of the apartments in the new polykatoikia constructed on their land, resulting in the erection of countless polykatoikia buildings in record time.

The positive effects of antiparochi were that the people from the countryside managed to find not only homes but also jobs in the construction industry. However, throughout the polykatoikia bloom, which mostly took place during the 1950s through to the 1980s, most of the buildings were not designed and materialized by architects but rather by contractors, who would relentlessly copy the basic morphological features, leading to the production of many uninspiring, identical multi-housing units. As a result only a few architectural “gems” can be found in a sea of repetitive concrete blocks. Furthermore, due to the rapid construction, any attempt for proper urban planning practices could simply not keep up and, as a result, polykatoikias were above the control of building regulations and often situated in areas without any proper infrastructure.

If a person asks a present-day Athenian whether they find their city beautiful, the most likely response would be “No.” The aspiration of an Athens filled with neoclassical buildings, which was initially brought to the city by western European philhellenes, is a recurring 21st century dream. Nevertheless, this was not the case for the 1950s “modern” housewife. The polykatoikia introduced a functional way of living, filled with new amenities that were unprecedented at that time. People who lived in neoclassical houses had no immediate access to water, no preinstalled heating system and often had to go outside to use the bathroom facilities. The carefully decorated and carved façades, although beautiful and somewhat reminiscent of the (glorious) ancient Greek past, did not satisfy the needs of the 20th century Athenian.

Furthermore, the polykatoikia introduced a new social organization. For the first time in history, wealthy and poor were living in the same building and neighborhood. In a typical polykatoikia, the ground floor would most likely be a shop, a café, a restaurant or a bar, then the first couple of floors would be occupied by the lower social classes while the upper floors would house wealthier families; in fact, in later years some apartments would be turned into workspaces and, more recently, Airbnbs. This groundbreaking and totally spontaneous functional and social organization resulted in a city that seams homogenous but is actually the complete opposite: it is a vibrant built environment that truly never sleeps.

Still, almost 50 years have passed since the glorious days of the polykatoikia and it is time to reflect once more. Athens is currently facing an array of predominantly environmental problems, where a concrete “carpet” has covered entirely the natural landscape of the Attica basin. Amidst the concrete there are almost no green spaces, the existing rivers flow underground and Athens has become the hottest city in Europe. Fortunately, the “mix” of social classes has been preserved however, the growing tourist waves and golden visa initiatives are threatening housing for the four-million Athenians, who continue to live in polykatoikias in need of urgent restoration in both their interior and exterior.

So, what happens next? In a city that has been dominated by such a strong architectural typology, how can contemporary architects push this identity forward, tackling present-day challenges while preserving all the positive aspects of the polykatoikia? Projects with green balconies and roofs, sustainable cladding materials and designs that strive for an A+ ranking in energy efficiency are slowly improving the urban fabric. Some architects also claim that certain demolition works are unavoidable to free up space for planting and public use. Throughout this article, the actual architecture of the polykatoikia is not discussed but rather its wider social, political, economic and environmental implications. True, its simple, clean, modernist form is perhaps what allowed it to multiply in such a fast pace. Still, the most important initiative for architects would be to collectively research, gather and respond to the 2024 needs of the Greek capital and I am positive that the evolution of the Athenian architectural identity will follow.

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Top image: MarylinalcyonovaBuilding Density beneath Lycabettus Hill in Athens Greece 01CC BY-SA 4.0

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Hacking the Human Habitat: How Cyborg Architecture Blends Biology with Technology

Ema is a trained architect, writer and photographer who works as a Junior Architect at REX in NYC. Inspired by her global experiences, she shares captivating insights into the world’s most extraordinary cities and buildings and provides travel tips on her blog, The Travel Album.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of architecture, a new frontier is emerging: cyborg architecture. This innovative approach blends biological and technological elements, creating spaces that are not only adaptive and intelligent but also deeply integrated with the human experience. It’s a dialogue between the digital and physical worlds that blurs the boundaries between human and machine environments. Cyborg architecture envisions a future where buildings are dynamic, responsive and symbiotic with their occupants. As technology continues to advance, cyborg architecture will play a pivotal role in shaping the cities of tomorrow, offering solutions that enhance the human experience while promoting sustainability and resilience. Let’s explore how cyborg architecture weaves together technology, sustainability and human interaction to create innovative, future-forward environments.

Responsive Environments

Al Bahr Towers, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates by AHR

Al Bahr Towers, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates by AHR

Al Bahr Towers by AHR, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Cyborg architecture is an emerging field that intertwines with several forward-thinking design approaches, creating dynamic, responsive and future-ready built environments. Responsive environments are central to cyborg architecture, where buildings and spaces dynamically adapt to the real-time needs and actions of their inhabitants. At its heart lies the principle of responsiveness. These spaces utilize advanced sensors and actuators to monitor and adapt to the needs of their occupants in real-time. For instance, a building might adjust its lighting and temperature based on the number of people present and their activities, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

This level of adaptability transforms spaces into living entities that can anticipate and respond to human behavior. Projects like the Al Bahr Towers in Abu Dhabi, designed by Aedas, features a dynamic façade with an automated sunshade system that opens and closes in response to sunlight, reducing energy consumption and enhancing comfort. The use of such responsive façades that adjust according to environmental conditions, illustrates how cyborg architecture creates spaces that react to their surroundings and users.

Responsive environments also extend to the physical layout of spaces. Walls and furniture can be designed to move and reconfigure themselves according to the specific needs of the moment, creating a flexible and versatile environment. This adaptability is particularly valuable in urban settings where space is limited and multi-functionality is essential.

Biomimetic Design

Norfolk, Burleigh Heads Burleigh Heads, Australia by KOICHI TAKADA ARCHITECTS

Norfolk, Burleigh Heads Burleigh Heads, Australia by KOICHI TAKADA ARCHITECTS

Norfolk, Burleigh Heads by KOICHI TAKADA ARCHITECTS, Burleigh Heads, Australia

Biomimicry in architecture draws inspiration from nature’s processes and systems. Biomimetic design therefore draws inspiration from the natural world to create architectural solutions that are efficient, sustainable and resilient. In cyborg architecture, this involves using materials and structures that mimic the properties of living organisms.

The Norfolk Burleigh Heads project, designed by Koichi Takada Architects, is a strong example of this, with the building drawing inspiration from the local Norfolk pine trees, particularly their pinecones, which protect seeds from the elements while opening up in optimal conditions. The building’s design draws from natural principles, featuring overlapping balcony slabs that offer both protection from harsh weather and the option to embrace openness and natural light. Adjustable timber screens, inspired by the adaptability of pinecones, give residents the ability to control their environment—shielding from the elements or opening up to enjoy the subtropical climate and ocean views. These organic forms and materials integrate with the coastal landscape, creating a space that is both dynamic and in harmony with nature.

Another biomimetic approach involves designing buildings that can adapt to environmental conditions, similar to how organisms evolve to survive in their habitats. Facades that change color or texture in response to temperature and sunlight can regulate indoor climate and reduce energy consumption, creating a more sustainable built environment.

Human-Machine Interfaces

The Edge, Amsterdam, Netherlands by PLP Architecture

The Edge, Amsterdam, Netherlands by PLP Architecture

The Edge by PLP Architecture, Amsterdam, Netherlands

One of the most futuristic, but central aspects of cyborg architecture is the integration of human-machine interfaces (HMIs). These interfaces enable seamless interaction between occupants and their environments through intuitive controls such as voice commands, gestures, and even neural inputs. Imagine walking into a room that instantly recognizes your preferences for lighting, music and temperature, adjusting them to suit your mood and activities. This is evident in projects like The Edge in Amsterdam, which integrates advanced sensors, data analytics and personalized apps to enhance user experience within the building. Cyborg architecture leverages HMI technology to blur the line between user and structure, creating environments that are not only adaptive but also anticipatory of human needs.

Neural interfaces represent a groundbreaking advancement in HMIs, allowing for direct communication between the human brain and the building’s systems. This technology can transform accessibility, enabling individuals with disabilities to control their environments effortlessly. As neural interface technology continues to develop, the potential for creating truly personalized and immersive experiences within architectural spaces grows exponentially.

Living Architecture

Hy-Fi, Queens, New York, NY, United States by The Living

Hy-Fi, Queens, New York, NY, United States by The Living

Hy-Fi by The Living, New York City, New York

The concept of living architecture — where buildings behave like living organisms — takes this a step further. Projects like The Living’s Hy-Fi Tower in New York, made from organic, compostable materials, highlight how cyborg architecture can create living, breathing structures.  Such designs features bio-bricks made from mycelium (fungus), showing how buildings can grow and decompose like natural organisms and evolve in real-time. They can change based on environmental inputs, effectively merging biological and architectural processes.

The concept of living architecture, where buildings incorporate living organisms as part of their design can include elements such as green roofs and vertical gardens that enhance biodiversity and improve air quality. More advanced applications involve bioengineered materials that can grow and adapt over time, creating a dynamic and evolving architectural form.

Futuristic Applications

Futuristic architecture often envisions smart, technology-integrated environments that respond to modern urban challenges. The applications of cyborg architecture extend beyond individual buildings to encompass entire smart cities. In these urban environments, buildings and infrastructure communicate and collaborate to optimize resources, reduce waste and enhance the quality of life for residents. For example, traffic systems can adjust in real-time to minimize congestion, while public spaces adapt to accommodate events and changing social dynamics.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies further enrich the experience of cyborg architecture. By overlaying digital information onto physical spaces, AR can transform navigation, education and entertainment within buildings. Imagine walking through a museum where historical artifacts come to life through interactive displays, or navigating a complex building using AR-guided directions.

Biofeedback systems also represent another cutting-edge application, where buildings monitor the health and well-being of occupants through sensors that track vital signs. These systems can adjust environmental conditions to promote relaxation, focus, or recovery, creating environments that actively support human health.

Challenges and Considerations

While cyborg architecture offers exciting possibilities, it also presents significant challenges and considerations. Privacy and security are paramount concerns as buildings become more connected and data-driven. Ensuring that personal information remains secure and that occupants have control over their environments is essential to maintaining trust in these advanced systems.

Ethical considerations also arise regarding the extent to which environments should influence human behavior. The potential for technology to subtly shape interactions and experiences raises questions about autonomy and the balance between convenience and control. Sustainability is another critical factor, as the integration of advanced technologies must be balanced with energy efficiency and environmental impact. Cyborg architecture must strive to create buildings that are not only intelligent but also environmentally responsible.

Architizer is thrilled to announce the world' best architecture firms in 2024, all winners of the 12th Annual A+Awards! Want to get your firm in the running next season? Stay up to date by subscribing to our A+Awards Newsletter. 

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“Frameless”: The Architecture of Immersive Art Experiences

Architizer is thrilled to announce the world' best architecture firms in 2024, all winners of the 12th Annual A+Awards! Want to get your firm in the running next season? Stay up to date by subscribing to our A+Awards Newsletter. 

Frameless” is the UK’s largest permanent multi-sensory art experience. In 1928, the Regal, one of the country’s most renowned cinemas, opened in Marble Arch in central London. Following WWII, the building reopened as Odeon movie theatre and in 2016, it became a mixed-use residential development with a very large (and empty) basement, initially intended to be converted yet into another cinema. Instead, the space was eventually transformed into four galleries, showcasing some of the world’s greatest works of art in the most innovative and immersive way possible.

Visitors experience the works of Dali, Monet, Kandinsky and van Gogh literally from the inside: they are not mere observers but rather stand within the art that envelops them, able to see, experience, and to some extent interact with the paintings’ tiniest details, while listening to carefully crafted soundscapes. The four galleries, Beyond Reality, Color in Motion, the World Around Us and the Art of Abstraction, recreate, through a series of projections, famous paintings from surrealism to impressionism and abstraction, and redefine what a traditional art gallery should be.

As an architect, I can’t help but wonder what sort of construction expertise and technology was required in order to materialize such complicated and large scale project. According to project manager James Griffiths, construction commenced in October 2021 and was completed in the impressive timeframe of only nine months. The three primary design principles of the project included: constructing a “narrative of materials”, having as little environmental impact as possible and operating “Frameless” with renewable energy.

According to project architect Angus Pond, different bases such as stone, metal, glass and fabrics were used to ‘create an environment that combines utilitarian functionality with a sense of glamor and even theatrical overtones.’ In parallel, the construction team found innovative techniques to reuse as much of the materials found on site and eventually power the venue by using 93% renewable energy. After the interior shell of the space was constructed, an impressive amount fifty 3-Chip DPL laser projectors were installed, delivering 479 million pixels and 1 million lumens of brightness and vivid colors, clearly depicting every brushstroke and splash of paint, and were complimented by 158 loudspeakers that emanated 360-degree surround sound.

Similarly to how artists throughout the centuries sought to bring their dreams, nightmares and myths into reality, “frameless” is a type of architecture that merges spatial technology, design and construction in order to transport the people living in reality to imaginary worlds. The project is an example of immersive architecture, proving that even though there is an array of implementation challenges, it is not impossible to create real-world “phygital” (physical and digital) environments.

Immersive architecture is most likely found in art and exhibition as well as entertainment venues, retail and commercial stores and public spaces, and has gradually become an integral part of the discipline, where carefully curated imagery, light, sounds and textures create impactful experiences that surpass traditional spatial design. Brand flagship stores often integrate interactive displays or creative lighting and acoustic solutions to “connect” the customer with their products. Installations in public spaces react to environmental changes, the time of the day and even to individual users, while performance spaces utilize projectors and surround sound to deliver state-of-the-art experiences.

Still, what is so beneficial about this concept of hybrid reality and immersive architecture? Apart from the fact that spaces will continuously become a lot more personalized to each individual, by adding more “ingredients” to architectural design – such as sound, touch and even smell – space becomes more exciting. It is not by chance that such design methods are primarily used for producing entertainment and storytelling experiences since these uses require a person’s utmost attention in order to be successful.

Nevertheless, they point the way to an architecture that prioritizes emotion over function and creates environments that resonate on a deeper, more intuitive level with those who inhabit them. What if we could then extend this approach to hospitals, schools and even transportation facilities? Ultimately, the benefit of immersive architecture and hybrid reality lies in their ability to humanize spaces, making them more aligned with our emotional and sensory needs.

Architizer is thrilled to announce the world' best architecture firms in 2024, all winners of the 12th Annual A+Awards! Want to get your firm in the running next season? Stay up to date by subscribing to our A+Awards Newsletter. 

Featured image generated by Architizer on Midjourney

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Emotional Architecture: How Curves and Lines Influence Human Experience

Ema is a trained architect, writer and photographer who works as a Junior Architect at REX in NYC. Inspired by her global experiences, she shares captivating insights into the world’s most extraordinary cities and buildings and provides travel tips on her blog, The Travel Album.

When you enter a building, you often immediately sense how it will make you feel. Whether a space feels comfortable and open or claustrophobic and closed off, cold and rigid or organic and fluid, the shapes of spaces — their curves, angles and configurations — play a significant role in their psychological impact and how we perceive them.

Architecture is not just about creating functional spaces; it is about crafting environments that resonate with human emotions and enhance well-being. The shapes and forms used in architecture, particularly curves and lines, play a crucial role in influencing how we feel and behave within a space. By examining studies on shape-induced emotions, exploring examples of therapeutic architecture, and understanding the role of design in user experience, we can appreciate how architecture impacts our emotional and psychological state.

The Psychology of Shapes in Architecture

Karen Blixens Plads Copenhagen, Denmark by Cobe

Karen Blixens Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark by Cobe

The human brain responds instinctively to different shapes and forms, which can evoke various emotional and psychological reactions. Understanding these responses allows architects to design spaces that promote positive experiences and well-being.

Curves and Organic Shapes: Comfort and Connection

Hutong Bubble 218 Beijing, China by MAD Architects

Hutong Bubble 218 Beijing, China by MAD Architects

Hutong Bubble 218 by MAD Architects, Beijing, China

Curved shapes are often associated with comfort, safety, and naturalness. In fact, curves can reduce stress and promote relaxation by actually easing our brains’ threat response. Curves in architecture can mimic organic forms found in nature, like hills, rivers and plants, evoking feelings of calm. Others might perceive curves as facilitating a sense of flow and movement, gently guiding people through a space.

Research in environmental psychology has shown that people tend to prefer spaces with curved elements over those dominated by straight lines. A study by Oshin Vartanian, a professor of perception, cognition and cognitive neuroscience, and colleagues found that participants rated rooms with curved features as more beautiful and pleasant than those with angular designs. The study indicates that when people viewed spaces with curves, the area of the brain associated with emotions and reward was activated, suggesting a sense of safety and positive emotional responses.

I would also categorize spiral shapes alongside curves and circles, as they share the same gentle, flowing qualities. Like other curved forms, spirals are often found in nature and have a unique psychological impact compared to geometric shapes. In architecture, spiral shapes can create a sense of dynamism and fluidity within a space, evoking feelings of movement and transformation. They can symbolize the ongoing cycle of life and evolution, suggesting growth and progress. This is often achieved by incorporating spiral staircases, ramps or curvilinear forms that guide people through a space in an organic, flowing manner. These elements can enhance the experience of a building by encouraging exploration and interaction, reflecting the natural rhythms and patterns found in the world around us.

Lines: Clarity and Structure

Wangbangyo, Ulsan, South Korea by On Architects Inc.

Wangbangyo, Ulsan, South Korea by On Architects Inc.

Wangbangyo by On Architects Inc., Ulsan, South Korea

Straight lines and angles, on the other hand, convey a sense of clarity, order, and structure. They can evoke feelings of stability and strength, which is why they are often used in institutional and commercial architecture. However, excessive use of straight lines can also lead to perceptions of rigidity and coldness. Moshe Bar, an Israeli neuroscientist, conducted studies showing that angular designs activate the brain’s threat perception center. This response may have evolutionary roots, as our brains might perceive sharp angles as potential threats.

While straight lines are associated with efficiency and functionality, they can also create environments that feel impersonal or harsh. In architecture, many people I know tend to gravitate towards designing with straight lines and right angles because they find these forms to be “cleaner” and “easier” to work with. If you move away from using right angles and straight lines, you often find yourself exploring more parametric designs, which are not only more challenging to model and work with, but also more complex to understand and solve from an architectural standpoint.

Somewhere Between

Moliner House, Zaragoza, Spain by Alberto Campo Baeza

Moliner House, Zaragoza, Spain by Alberto Campo Baeza

The integration of curves and lines in architecture goes beyond aesthetics; it shapes how people interact with and experience space. Thoughtful design can enhance user experience by considering the emotional impact of architectural forms. I find this topic fascinating because it applies not only to architecture but also to a wide range of design fields and professional strategies. In my opinion, although research indicates that straight lines and sharp edges in architecture might be associated with increased feelings of stress or perceived threat, this isn’t universally true for all architectural experiences. The impact of shapes on our emotions is nuanced and influenced by a multitude of factors that interact to shape our perception of a space. Some nuances to consider could be:

1. Context and Functionality

In many architectural contexts, straight lines and sharp edges convey clarity, order, and strength. These features can create environments that feel professional, organized, and efficient. For instance, corporate offices and institutional buildings often utilize straight lines to emphasize functionality and reliability. In these settings, the perception of sharpness or rigidity can be mitigated by the intended purpose of the space, which might prioritize focus and productivity over comfort.

2. Balance with Other Design Elements

The overall emotional impact of a space is often the result of a careful balance between various design elements. While sharp edges might initially suggest a sense of harshness, they can be softened by incorporating other features such as:

Lighting: Warm, natural lighting can soften the appearance of hard lines, making a space feel more welcoming.

Materials: The use of natural materials, such as wood or stone, can counteract the severity of straight lines, adding warmth and texture to the environment. Integrating water features or soft landscaping into the design can also help soften sharper edges and create a more gentle appearance.

Color: Color palettes can significantly alter the perception of a space. Soft, neutral colors can create a calming effect, while vibrant colors might energize the space.

Furniture and Decor: The inclusion of curved furniture and decor elements can provide contrast and balance to spaces dominated by straight lines, introducing a sense of flow and comfort.

3. Personal Preferences and Experiences

Individual preferences and personal experiences also play a critical role in how a space is perceived. What might feel cold and uninviting to one person could feel clean and modern to another. Personal associations and cultural backgrounds can shape our emotional responses to architectural elements.

4. Architectural Intent

The architect’s intent and vision for a space are paramount. Sometimes, a sense of tension or drama is deliberately introduced to evoke specific emotions or thoughts. In these cases, sharp lines and edges can be used to create a sense of awe or emphasize a building’s purpose, such as in museums or art galleries where the architecture itself is part of the artistic narrative.

Understanding the complex interplay of design elements that influence our emotional experience of a space allows architects to create environments that resonate with their intended purpose and audience, offering a nuanced balance between form, function, and human experience. Successful architectural designs balance these elements to create spaces that are both beautiful and efficient. Each form can be used to its advantage, enhancing the overall experience for occupants.

The votes are in, and Architizer is thrilled to unveil the winners of the A+Product Awards! Register for Architizer's A+Product Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

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Head Above the Water: Today’s Blueprints for Building Tomorrow’s Floating Cities

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

With an estimated 2.5 billion people living within 62 miles (100 kilometers) of a coastline, rising sea levels pose a significant risk to human settlements. Traditional land reclamation methods are becoming increasingly unsustainable and environmentally damaging, thus sparking innovative solutions for water-based habitats that are both resilient as well as sustainable. The idea of a floating structure has been carried out as an architectural experiment in many instances. Especially in cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Seattle, which are in immediate contact with the water, projects such as floating homes, bridges and piers are gradually becoming the norm.

One rather unusual example is the Floating Farm Dairy in Rotterdam by Goldsmith. It is a compact triple-stacked structure housing 40 dairy cows floating in the city harbor of the M4H development zone. The floating farm is an agricultural building based on nautical principles. As a result, its functional organization and use of materials are carefully selected. All heavy structural and technical functions are situated in the submerged part of the building, while the more lightweight components are placed on top. Concrete pontoons house the production of fruits, shielding them from the rain, while translucent polycarbonate is used for the façade.

01_Floating Farm Dairy

02_Floating Farm Dairy

Floating Farm Dairy by Goldsmith, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Reflecting upon the Floating Farm Dairy, the core principle of floating structures is modularity. This design allows for scalability and flexibility, enabling buildings, and potentially, large scale cities to grow organically based on the needs of their inhabitants. In the case of an urban planning strategy, the modules cease to be structural or functional components and are transformed in residential, commercial or in this case industrial proposals. In parallel, by integrating green spaces and urban farms within a city’s functional grid, these new structures provide fresh produce as well as help in regulating temperatures and improving air quality.

Another controversial structure is the Floating House by MOS Architects in Canada. It is part of a master plan of five proposed cabins based on the repetition of a standardized vernacular archetype. Due to the fact that a traditional on-site construction process would have been expensive and quite damaging to the island, the 2,200-square-f00t house was built on a steel pontoon structure near the lake shore. More accurately, it was assembled in a contractor’s shop and eventually towed and anchored to the site, where the final installations were carried out. The exterior cladding comprises of an inventive cedar rainscreen for the walls and roof, providing sufficient air flow within the house.

03_Floating House

Floating house demonstrates that using lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly materials is crucial for building on water. For example, innovations in materials science, such as timber or polycarbonate screens can provide the necessary strength while reducing weight. At the same time, off-site assemblies increase the chances of a more robust as well as zero-carbon construction process.

Finally, the project Floating Islands of Sky by unarchitecte in Chengdu, China, is a pontoon bridge that floats on the surface of the water acting as a crossing between two pieces of land. Numerous challenges such as low-cost construction, a ten-year lifecycle expectancy as well as the varying changes in water level had to be addressed. As a result, steel cables were used to secure the floating bridges to the bottom of the lake, while a series of partially perforated and water-permeable hydrophilic areas were designed in order to deal with the issue of buoyancy. The final design, consisted of seven islands in different sizes, covered in lush vegetation that included spaces for fishing as well as picnic and resting areas. The paths in-between these hexagonal artificial islands are made of planks controlled by air cushions that respond to the changing water levels.

The three projects display various innovative design methods with structural and environmental techniques that prove that floating structures are a very real possibility and not just a vision of a sci-fi future. As climate change accelerates, rising sea levels threaten coastal cities worldwide, putting millions at risk of displacement and thus urging architects to conduct further water-based building experiments. And yet, an ethical point arises, where overbuilding is what is currently causing the myriads of environmental changes happening to our planet, including the gradual flooding of coastal regions. Is it therefore the answer to resort to additional buildings — this time situated on water — in order to respond to this challenge? In other words, humans have already covered the land; wouldn’t then building on water become equally catastrophic for our future?

Contrary to soil and land, the water is much less unforgiving; it requires further study and consideration in terms of structural stability as well as what functions are truly necessary, instead of the ones that are, in fact, merely desired. Water harvesting, food production and energy are also harder to control. Consequently, “floating cities” is an architectural scenario much more sensitive to the world’s ecosystem, which not only responds to the impending crisis of rising waters but could even reverse the damage and impact of our current building philosophy.

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

Featured Image: Floating Farm Dairy by Goldsmith, Rotterdam, Netherlands

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