
Foundations of Excellence: 6 Instances of Institutional Architecture at Its Finest

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Design holds the power to enrich the lives of communities and people around the world. For this year’s Architizer A+ Awards program, projects were submitted across institutional architecture that stand out for their profound impact on how they bring people together. These buildings encompass an array of libraries, schools, community centers and civic buildings — spaces integral to the fabric of cities. In an era marked by rapid urbanization and societal shifts, the relevance of exceptional institutional architecture has never been more pronounced. These structures not only provide essential services but also foster community, inclusivity and innovation.

The A+ Awards highlight the most inspiring and innovative architectural projects from around the globe. This year’s winners in the institutional architecture category exemplify some of the best in contemporary design. From state-of-the-art educational facilities to inviting community hubs, these projects showcase a commitment to accessibility and beauty. Each design also reflects a deep understanding of the unique needs and aspirations of the communities they serve. Discover a few of the winners below,  and see the full list of human-centric designs here.

Kresge College Expansion at the University of California, Santa Cruz

By Studio Gang, Santa Cruz, California

Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Higher Education and Research Facilities

Located in a redwood forest in northern California, Kresge College has been an experiment in student-driven education since 1971. Originally designed by Charles Moore and William Turnbull, the “hill town” campus features a playful village anchored by a winding pedestrian street where students could practice participatory democracy and explore new ways of living and learning. Fifty years later, Studio Gang’s campus expansion plan aims to rejuvenate this experimental environment while making it more inclusive and connected to the surrounding university and landscape.

The expansion includes four new buildings — three residential halls and an academic center — that complement the original design’s rectilinear, angular language with a more organic one of curvature and porosity. These buildings are carefully sited to preserve redwood trees and integrate with the natural topography. The project extends the original pedestrian street into a loop path, incorporating accessible pathways and connecting the campus with the surrounding forest and university. Enhancements to the historic runnel system improve stormwater management, while the redwood canopy and operable windows optimize passive cooling and ventilation.

Dich Vong Hau Kindergarten

By Sunjin Vietnam Joint Venture Company, Hanoi, Vietnam

Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Kindergartens

This 20-year-old suburban school, now within an urban growth area, has been restored to meet modern land use planning standards and updated teaching requirements. Originally a two-story building in poor condition with limited amenities and no play areas, the structure lacked the necessary facilities for contemporary education. The redesigned school retains the original framework but adds a third story with a steel frame coated in plastic wood, embracing a “students as the center” philosophy.

Two additional four-story blocks are being constructed on the west side, creating a secure central playground that serves as the school’s main skylight and promotes cross-ventilation. Classrooms have been reconfigured to increase their size by 1.5 times, featuring villa-like designs with lush gardens for natural ventilation and roof overhangs for shade. The roof is transformed into a green space, providing an area for learning and play while contributing to the city’s ecological landscape.

Nunawading Community Hub

By fjcstudio, Australia

Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Community Centers

This new community hub, located on the former Nunawading Primary School site, is interlinked with its old football oval and Tunstall Park. Built on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung People of the Kulin Nation, the site is historically referenced as a place of gathering. This heritage schoolhouse remains at the threshold, reflecting local materiality and celebrating the collective memory of those who spent their childhood there. Abstract white forms rise as a backdrop to the heritage fabric and park, creating a sense of monumentality and dignity for this important public place.

The design team’s approach was to create an open, inviting public space, expressing equitable access for all. The scheme includes flexible settings for a wide range of community activities, while addressing specific user group needs. An inviting and transparent architecture reinforces the connection to the natural assets of the landscaped setting and residential suburban context. The design, with its simple forms and appropriate proportions, celebrates people, their creativity and their sense of togetherness, honoring the highly valued park and school building integral to Nunawading’s community.

Tainan Public Library

By Mecanoo and MAYU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Libraries

Mecanoo and MAYU’s design for the Tainan Public Library embodies the convergence of cultures, generations and histories. Inspired by Tainan’s local culture and tropical climate, the library houses the city’s cultural heritage, modern art, music, films and over a million books, including 16,000 from the Japanese occupation period. Equipped with modern library technologies, it serves as a cultural hub. The library’s most striking feature is its inverted stepped shape, supported by slender columns reminiscent of a bamboo forest.

The crown of the building, adorned with vertical aluminum slats carved with flower patterns, filters light and reduces heat, creating a distinctive façade visible from afar. The library’s design seamlessly transitions between exterior and interior spaces. The stepped structure provides shelter, with four sunken patios for outdoor activities, such as lectures, concerts and exhibitions. The interior features a spacious double-height atrium with art by Paul Cocksedge and interactive installations. A red sculptural staircase intersects all levels, while upper floors offer stunning city views from the uppermost levels.

PEGS Gymnasium

By McBride Charles Ryan, Keilor East, Australia

Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Primary and High Schools

McBride Charles Ryan has been developing projects for the Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School (PEGS) senior campus for a number of years, creating a rich and diverse architectural experience. The campus is reimagined as a vibrant mini-city, with the latest addition, the ‘Palazzo della Regione,’ serving as the central meeting place. This building fosters civic engagement among students while offering flexible, utilitarian functions and a distinct civic presence. It seamlessly integrates with the existing gymnasium through a full-height operable wall, doubling the space for performances and competitions and maintaining its unique character.

The new facility enhances the school’s interaction with the larger community. It frames the main school oval to the north, intensifying the connection between players and spectators, while the south facade serves as the main civic interface with a welcoming colonnade and scalloped brickwork. The design leverages the natural topography for tiered seating, reducing excavation costs and providing flexible space for gatherings. The building includes basketball courts, fitness centers, classrooms and multipurpose rooms, with sustainable features like a vaulted ceiling for passive cooling and a rooftop photovoltaic farm for electricity.

Changsha International Conference Center

By SCUT Architectural Design and Research Institute, Changsha, China

Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Government and Civic Buildings

The Changsha International Conference Center is located in the High-speed Railway New Town of Changsha City, overlooking Changshanan Railway Station and adjacent to the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center. The building consists of three above-ground floors and one underground floor. It features 60 conference halls and rooms that can accommodate up to 10,500 people, including a column-free main venue, a roundtable conference hall, a banquet hall, and a roof garden, making it the largest conference center in central China.

The design of the conference center draws on traditional Chinese aesthetics and cultural symbols, integrating natural, architectural, and cultural elements such as mountain contours, sloped roofs, and unfolded Chinese folding fan patterns. This approach highlights the harmonious coexistence of human civilization and the natural environment, embodying the core values of Chinese culture. The building’s façade is inspired by ink paintings of the Chinese landscape and local guqin masterpieces, showcasing the dynamic scenery of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers.

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Architectural Classicism Versus Modernism: Ethic or Aesthetic?

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As a kid, all the buildings I loved were old. I grew up in Cranbury, New Jersey, a small town best known for its Rockwellesque Main Street lined with historic homes. Think white colonials with wrap-around porches adorned with patriotic bunting, wooden churches with dramatic steeples, and bronze placards from the local historical society indicating where the local mill, general store, and cinema once stood.  

Many of my friends lived in homes built in the 19th century, which might not seem like a big deal to our European readers, but for an American child, this was enough to convey an Aura of History. I loved these houses, with their scratched hardwood floors, crooked ceilings and doors that never quite closed. Teachers at Cranbury School told us how George Washington once enjoyed a meal at the still-operational Cranbury Inn. On my walk home from school, I often passed through Brainerd Cemetery and visited the eroded gravestones of Revolutionary War veterans. Ghosts were in the air here — in a good way. They gave the town a sense of place amid the anonymous sprawl of suburban New Jersey.

The Aura of History was foundational to my early interest in architecture and design.  As a kid I had a strong sense that some buildings evoked a sense of place and that others did not, and I resented the soullessness of much of the surrounding suburban landscape, with its endless parking lots and charmless big box stores. 

The point of all of this is to say that I understand, emotionally, where classicists are coming from when they lament the legacy of modernism, especially the International Style, which they (half-correctly) blame for having an anonymizing effect on cities around the world. I even understand the bitterness that classical architects feel toward their marginality in the profession. (When was the last time a classicist won the Pritzker Prize?) And to be clear, there is a lot of bitterness there. 

The classical alternative to the Pritzker Prize is the Richard H. Driehaus Award. Presented by the University of Notre Dame, the annual award grants a $200,000 prize to “a living architect whose work embodies the highest ideals of traditional and classical architecture in contemporary society, and creates a positive cultural, environmental and artistic impact.” The award aligns with the “classical and urbanist curriculum” of the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture, which “celebrat[es] and advanc[es] the principles of the traditional city.” The award was established in 2003 by the late financier Richard H. Driehaus who made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the state of architecture. 

“I believe architecture should be of human scale, representational form and individual expression that reflects a community’s architectural heritage,” Driehaus explained when asked why he established the prize. “There is a delight, proportion and harmony in classical architecture that I wasn’t finding in the contemporary buildings coming up around me in Chicago.” 

Driehaus’s criticism of modern architecture was not unique — nor was it new. In one form or another, these same themes have been expressed for over half a century by figures as varied as Jane Jacobs, Roger Scruton and Thomas Heatherwick. In his recent book Humanize, which I reviewed for Architizer last month, Heatherwick refers to the architectural profession as a “cult” that is bizarrely committed to a minimalist aesthetic template established in mid twentieth century despite the fact that survey after survey shows that the public does not like these kinds of buildings. 

While Heatherwick shares the classicist critique of modernism, he is not a classicist. For him, the solution is not to return to tradition, but to take a more critical look at contemporary building practices and strive to find new ways to achieve that sense of place, that je ne sais quoi, I once admired in my little picturesque hometown. One can see this philosophy at work in the playful nature of many of Heatherwick’s best known buildings, like Learning Hub South in Singapore, which locals refer to as the “dim sum basket building” due to its resemblance to the steamer baskets used to serve dim sum. In Heatherwick’s language, this building is “human” in the way an anonymous, merely functional academic building with a glass or metal façade would not be. 

Heatherwick’s ideas are themselves something of a throwback to the views of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, who helped established postmodern architecture in the 1970s by critiquing the “less is more” ethos of the High Modernists. As the duo put it in their book Learning from Las Vegas, “anomalies and uncertainties give validity to architecture.” I love that. It speaks to the importance of local texture and idiosyncrasy that led me, as a young man, to prefer old houses to new ones and to find homogenous chain restaurants to be not just ugly but depressing.

I am going to name the Venturi-Brown-Heatherwick position left populism, even though the sensibility is aesthetic rather than political. Like the Jacobins who sat on the left hand side of the National Convention during the French Revolution — establishing the terms “left” and “right” to describe the political spectrum — the architectural left populists are discontented with the present, but committed to a vision of the future that will be different from the past. Architectural left populism encourages a bricolage approach to design and urbanism, drawing on both the modernist tradition and earlier periods in architecture to create buildings that speak to the present. It is not the same as right populism, which is a point of view I see reflected in the mission statement of the Driehaus Prize, with its repeated use of the word “traditional.” (However, to the Driehaus’s credit, the award has been grants to architects I would consider left populists as well, including Michael Graves in 2013.)

Again, the way I am using the words left and right here is not strictly political. However, it is not not political either. Architectural right populism is often, but not always, associated with political conservatism. King Charles is probably the most infamous right populist in architecture, having gone so far as to construct a whole town according to classical architectural principles. Indeed, Charles’s Poundbury is a good example of the right populist viewpoint in action. Harmony, balance, a sense of cohesiveness that never crosses over into monotony — all of this is achieved. However, in my view, there is something bleak about this contrived little town. With everything arranged just so, according to historical architectural styles, one intuits not merely reverence for the past, but anxiety about the present.

Another person you might have heard of, Donald Trump, is an architectural classicist too — despite the fact that he has built a bunch of shiny glass towers. In 2020, then President Trump issued an executive order banning the construction of new federal buildings that were not constructed in one of six recognized styles: “Neoclassical, Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, Beaux-Arts, and Art Deco.” As with the construction of Poundbury, the goal here was not just to elevate classical architecture, but to make a statement against modernism. And for conservatives, modernism is not just a style, but an embodiment of progressive ideals.

The work of Peter Pennoyer, the most recent winner of the Driehaus Prize, is a good example of classical architecture at its best. The private homes he has designed are absolutely magnificent, blending harmoniously into their context whether that is a brownstone block in Manhattan or a marshy estate in Maine. He achieves this, he says, through paying attention to classical principles such as proportion, harmony and beauty — ideals that Vitruvius knew well but that modern architecture has not only overlooked but, in Pennoyer’s account, actively suppressed.

“So I graduated from college in 1981, architecture school in 1984. And there were people who were more excited about Modernism, certainly the faculty,” Pennoyer explains in a recent interview with Common/Edge. “You heard things like, ‘Well, your symmetry is fascist.’ Another favorite of mine, which has stuck in my mind forever: A professor looked at a beautiful arch for a subsidized housing scheme, one of our studio problems. He looked at this arch and said, ‘What a pity. Because where there are arches, there are princes, and where there are princes, there are slaves.’”

Pennoyer’s anecdote reflects a number of common right populist tropes. He blames modern architecture’s blandness on the revolutionary fervor of professors who express their radicalism in aesthetics because they cannot do so in politics. They distrust beauty because they distrust everything, having totally imbibed the hermeneutics of suspicion.

It’s a caricature, but is it true? Maybe a little?

Asked in this same interview if beauty is subjective, Pennoyer has an interesting response: “I think there is an absolute standard of beauty around which we can all, most people, agree — until they go to architecture school or study architectural theory. I think it’s educated out of people. There’s much more consensus and basic human instinct for beauty, proportion, and harmony than we’re led to believe. There are absolute values of beauty.”

Pennoyer’s view is that architecture schools — the elites — have trained people out of their instinctive understanding of what they like. Again we see that his view is not only conservative but populist. He presents himself as a champion of common sense over expertise. And like the right populism we see in politics, this perspective has a dark side.

If architects, en masse, accepted the right populist view and decided to stick to established and recognizable styles, the profession would be giving up on the possibility of doing something new. It would come to resemble the American motion picture industry, which for the past decade has invested heavily in sequels and remakes at the expense of original projects. These films can be enjoyable, but they are never masterpieces. Inversely, most art house films are awful, but every once in a while this scene produces a work that is truly special and enduring. Maybe flawed work is the cost of innovation.

In any event, the right populists are wrong that modernism’s shortcomings can only be addressed by returning to the past. There are other ways to address these issues, ones that don’t involve architecture becoming trapped in stylistic and ideological stasis. Heatherwick’s book Humanize proposes a way of thinking about architecture that is neither cold nor sentimental. It continues a tradition that has been overlooked for too long and has not been named until now: left populist architecture.

Cover Image: Landscape with Classical Architecture by a Lake, drawing, anonymous, French, 17th century (MET, 1972.118.15) via Wikimedia Commons

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Multi-Generational Living: 7 Floor Plans Building Family Bonds

Ema is a trained architect, writer and photographer who works as a Junior Architect at REX in NYC. Inspired by her global experiences, she shares captivating insights into the world’s most extraordinary cities and buildings and provides travel tips on her blog, The Travel Album.

In today’s fast-paced world, the traditional family home is evolving. More families are choosing multi-generational living arrangements, where grandparents, parents, children and siblings share a single residence. Multi-generational living has evolved from traditional, hierarchical structures with shared responsibilities and simple communal spaces to modern arrangements that prioritize flexibility, privacy and technological integration. Today, these homes feature separate living quarters, private entrances and adaptable spaces driven by economic factors, social needs and cultural values. This shift reflects changes in societal norms and architectural innovations, making contemporary multi-generational homes more comfortable and supportive of individual and collective family needs.

This trend, often driven by economic factors, caregiving needs and cultural values, offers numerous benefits, such as shared responsibilities, emotional support and closer family bonds. However, it also presents unique challenges, requiring thoughtful architectural design to balance privacy with togetherness. This article explores seven outstanding examples of multi-generational homes, showcasing innovative floor plans that accommodate different age groups while promoting family interaction.

Waverley Residence

By Shaun Lockyer Architects and Anderson Architecture, Sydney, Australia

Waverley Residence by Anderson Architecture

Waverley Residence by Anderson Architecture

Waverley Residence by Anderson Architecture

Waverley Residence, designed by Shaun Lockyer Architects and Anderson Architecture, exemplifies the integration of separate living spaces within a cohesive design. The floor plan features distinct areas, including an open living room and a private lounge, providing both privacy and unity for different family members. All bedrooms are located on the top floor, including two double bedrooms — one being a master suite with a large closet and the other opening to a large balcony that overlooks the backyard. This layout makes the home comfortable for multiple couples by providing personal space while ensuring that family members can come together and overlook shared areas, balancing privacy with communal living.

A vertical central skylight bathes the heart of the home in natural light, illuminating the communal spaces on the ground floor where family members can gather for meals, conversations and leisure activities. The design fills every space with natural light, from the large sliding back doors that open to the backyard to the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor, naturally encouraging movement throughout the home, encouraging interaction and fostering a sense of community. The open-plan living areas, including the kitchen, dining, and lounge spaces, promote easy movement and interaction among family members, and provides ample space for children to run around and play.

MeMo House

By BAM! arquitectura, San Isidro, Argentina

MeMo House, San Isidro, Argentina by BAM! arquitectura

MeMo House, San Isidro, Argentina by BAM! arquitectura

The MeMo House in Buenos Aires, designed by BAM! arquitectura, is a stellar example of a home that combines both architecture and landscaping into one. A garden interconnects all the floors of this house, conveying a powerful message to its inhabitants. With a focus on sustainability, the design not only caters to the needs of the current generation but also thoughtfully considers future generations, emphasizing a commitment to providing a better world for them.

This house is designed to offer separate living areas for different family units while fostering communal activities in shared spaces like the rooftop garden, central garden, backyard and pool area. Children can explore unique spaces and run up to the roof while their grandparents garden in the backyard.

The flexible floor plan features large glass walls and sliding doors that open the living room to the covered outdoor terrace, allowing the family to reconfigure the space as needed. This adaptability ensures that the home can evolve with the changing needs of its occupants. Open and flexible spaces like these, combined with a variety of unique areas to choose from based on mood and activity, are invaluable for facilitating interaction regardless of outdoor conditions. This design encourages family members of all ages to spend more time together and engage more frequently, fostering a strong sense of community within the home.

Larch House

By Architecturall, Surrey, United Kingdom

Larch House, Surrey England by Architecturall

Larch House by Architecturall is a remarkable transformation of a dilapidated bungalow, which had stood for about 80 years, into a modern home nestled in the English woodlands. The project features several spacious, separate bedroom areas that can accommodate multiple adults, couples or generations, alongside expansive communal spaces designed to bring the family together. A large terrace wraps around the home, connecting the master bedroom to the living and kitchen areas, offering various routes for stepping out in the morning. This thoughtful design enhances flexibility and connectivity within the home, enabling residents to navigate different spaces according to their convenience at any given time.

The expansive communal kitchen and dining areas, occupying nearly half of the home’s footprint, offer a generous space for large families to cook and dine together. These areas are designed to accommodate large gatherings, making them perfect for family celebrations and daily meals. Floor-to-ceiling sliding doors, a common feature in many of these home designs, connect the indoor living spaces to an outdoor patio and garden. This design element creates a smooth transition to the outdoors, enhances the sense of space, and offers additional areas for relaxation and interaction. Nestled in a private, wooded area of England, the home is perfect for families, offering a peaceful environment for the elderly and a spacious backyard for children to safely run and play.

Findlay Residence

By Splyce Design, North Vancouver, Canada

Findlay Residence North Vancouver, Canada by Splyce Design

Findlay Residence, North Vancouver, Canada by Splyce DesignOn the ground floor, the kitchen/dining area and living spaces are intentionally designed as separate entities to accommodate different schedules and movement patterns, ensuring flexibility and privacy for all occupants. Large sliding glass doors connect the kitchen and living spaces to the outdoors, creating a fluid indoor-outdoor transition. This design allows for distinct spaces while enabling easy movement between them, enhancing the overall flow and connectivity throughout the home. These outdoor areas, where family members can relax and enjoy each other’s company amidst nature, serve as extensions of the indoor living spaces, fostering a seamless indoor-outdoor lifestyle.

The House in Mishref

By STUDIO TOGGLE, Mishref, Kuwait

The House in Mishref Mishref, Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait by STUDIO TOGGLE

The House in Mishref Mishref, Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait by STUDIO TOGGLE

The House in MishrefMishref, Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait by STUDIO TOGGLE

STUDIO TOGGLE‘s House in The House in Mishref exemplifies a multi-generational home designed to balance privacy and connectivity for an extended family. This residence, home to two brothers and their families, features multiple levels and distinct zones to cater to their varying lifestyles, outdoor space preferences and privacy needs. The design promotes both separation and togetherness (elements that are essential when living with or close to family members) centered around a courtyard that buffers rooms facing each other. Staircases connect balconies, creating an intentional circulation loop seen as “social spaces” where family members and neighbors can visually interact, fostering a sense of community, place and belonging within the home.

This layout ensures that each family or future generations have their own private space while maintaining a connection to the rest of the family. The central courtyard serves as an intentional meeting spot ideal for family activities and socializing. Each family unit has its own private bedrooms and bathrooms, offering the experience of having your own home while still being under the same roof as other family members.

Courtyard House

By Formwerkz Architects, Singapore

Courtyard House, Singapore by Formwerkz Architects

Courtyard House, Singapore by Formwerkz Architects

Courtyard House, Singapore by Formwerkz Architects

Courtyard House, Singapore by Formwerkz Architects

The Courtyard House in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz Architects, is a multi-generational home tailored for those who value communal spaces but also seek privacy. The home is divided into a front, central and back garden, with all bedrooms overlooking the central garden. Private spaces, such as bedrooms, are situated away from the street, creating a gradient of privacy that increases as you move deeper into the building. The main living spaces are organized around a central courtyard — the heart of the home — encouraging gatherings in the central atrium and pool area. The ground floor features a seamless open space with minimal obstructions, allowing for free-flowing movement and accommodating large gatherings with various pathways and patterns.

Surrounded by dense tropical foliage, the home features a serene courtyard perfect for various leisure activities. This design ensures that each generation has its own space while maintaining family connections. It skillfully combines large windows and open areas with perforated walls and screens to balance openness and privacy.

The House of Remembrance

By Neri & Hu, Singapore

The House of Remembrance, Singapore by Neri & Hu

The House of Remembrance, Singapore by Neri & Hu

The House of Remembrance, Singapore by Neri & HuThe House of Remembrance by Neri & Hu is an ideal multi-generational home, perfectly blending privacy, communal living and collective memory. Designed to accommodate three adult siblings and their families, the home features private bedrooms within the pitched roof’s steep gables, offering secluded spaces while maintaining the house’s single-story bungalow appearance.

The central courtyard, serving as a memorial garden, connects all communal spaces such as the living room, kitchen, dining room and study, fostering family interaction. Expansive glass walls and large sliding doors ensure visual transparency and connection to the lush surrounding gardens, while the circular ground floor circulation reinforces a sense of unity and sacredness. This thoughtful design balances the need for privacy with the desire for communal spaces, making it perfect for multi-generational living.

The jury and the public have had their say — feast your eyes on the winners of Architizer's 12th Annual A+Awards. Subscribe to our Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

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Visual Vignettes: An Interior Designer’s Guide to Creating Memorable Moments

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As designers, we often see our projects in 2D, working with layers and lines to produce plans and elevations that could easily be considered artworks in their own right. To the trained eye, a well-drawn elevation is a thing of beauty. Our drawings are a place where, through the deep understanding of space and dimension that is common to designers, we can experiment with the intricacies of form and placement to explore the interaction between objects. Yet, the true magic happens when the successful elevation drawings are translated into reality, a skill that can transform spaces into immersive environments that captivate and inspire visitors.

“Visual Vignettes” are carefully composed moments within an interior design scheme that capture the balance of a two-dimensional elevation while harnessing the user’s or visitor’s sensory perceptions. They result from bridging the gap between the theoretical and the tangible. Visual vignettes are where the art of designing meets the science of space planning, turning abstract lines and shapes into moments. By thoughtfully manipulating light, texture, scale, and other parameters, designers can craft these vignettes to instill emotion and create memorable spaces — as is exemplified in this year’s A+Award-winning projects.

NeueHouse Venice Beach by Loescher Meachem Architects and DesignAgency, Los Angeles, California | Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Remote Work and Coworking Space

Establishing focal points is a great place to begin when building a visual vignette within a space. The aim is to guide the viewer’s eye and create a clear visual hierarchy. By creating a focal point in a space, your aim is to draw attention to a specific area or object, making certain that a chosen element or area stands out. These could be created by specifying a striking piece of furniture, highlighting unique architectural features, or choosing an artwork that effectively illustrates the desired atmosphere for the space. Intelligent placement of focal points in a room allows a designer to direct a visitor’s gaze with purpose to coordinate a sense of order and reaffirm the intended narrative of the space.

When striving to create visual vignettes, the principle of balance is key. Balance in a space ensures that no single element overshadows the others. For the person experiencing a space, balance or lack of it is one of those feelings we can never really put our finger on. When it’s right, typically, a user will feel a sense of comfort. When it’s not, a sense of uneasiness that cannot be determined is common. There are many ways to achieve balance in a design. However, two of the simplest to master are based on humanity’s innermost desire for order and ordered chaos.

Tree O’clock — Villa Qabalah by Studio Locomotive, Phuket, Thailand | Photos by Beer Singnoi | Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Mixed Use (S <25,000 sq ft)

As you’ve probably noticed, humans enjoy symmetry. It appeals to us on both a conscious and subconscious level, providing a sense of aesthetic pleasure and cognitive ease. It makes us think of health and stability and off—ers a sense of order. In interior design, symmetry shows up all the time. Think about in bedrooms with headboards, bedside tables and lamps. Or fireplaces with mantels centered on a lounge wall. As designers, we can introduce symmetry in subtle ways, for example, by framing areas with a set of curtains or choosing patterns that are symmetrical in design; even how we style shelving can bring symmetry into a design and instill harmony into a space.

Conversely, asymmetrical choices can also be highly effective. In this instance, designers use visual weight to capture a sense of balance as opposed to having an exact reflection. By grouping different elements of equal visual weight, we can achieve equilibrium while creating a more dynamic and intriguing composition. For instance, balancing a large piece of art with a cluster of smaller objet d’art items brings a lively yet cohesive feel. Similarly, a large armchair is flanked by nesting tables and a floor lamp — the varying heights and weights make the arrangements both engaging and balanced.

Building on the foundation of balance, composition and proportion are crucial to ensuring that each of the elements in a space relate well to each other. To achieve cohesion, many designers turn to established proportional strategies to guarantee pleasing relationships. “The Rule of Thirds” is often used to prevent monotony by introducing our old friend dynamic asymmetry, guiding the gaze through the space in an engaging manner. Adopting a well-understood idea like “The Golden Ratio” replicates the kind of organic balance we would typically experience in nature, making the composition of a space feel inherently satisfying in a primal way. Equally, designs that follow a grid system rely on proportions and the relative size of elements to ensure unity and balance.

House FC by fws_work, Taipei, Taiwan | Photos by Suiyu | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Apartment

This idea of grid systems can be used to great effect when making visual vignettes. Rhythm and repetition are excellent at mimicking a sense of movement that has continuity. By deliberately repeating design elements, designers can establish a visual flow that appeals to users. There are many ways to do this and different types of rhythm to try and create. Regular rhythm involves consistent intervals, equal spacing and positioning. Think of a corridor of artwork, all the same size in the same frames or a pathway flanked by the same species of tree.

Alternating rhythm introduces variety, using two different repeating elements that alternate back and forth. This could be a checkered floor or striped wallpaper. Progressive rhythm uses gradual variations, color gradients, or light washes, which are common ways to introduce progressive rhythm into a design. Random rhythm scatters elements in a planned yet spontaneous manner. This can be used effectively when designing shelving units, making each opening unique while consistent material and color bring cohesion. Introducing rhythm into a design can make a space feel both unified and engaging, creating a visual journey that truly captivates and holds a visitor’s attention.

Liminal House by McLeod Bovell Modern Houses, West Vancouver, Canada | Photos by Hufton and Crow | Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Residential Interiors (>3000 sq ft)

Finally, contrast is one of the simplest yet most powerful tools for creating a visual vignette. By juxtaposing different elements, such as texture, color, material and even something as basic as shadow and light, it is easy to create visual interest and highlight key features. Contrast, for example, using dark and light woods together or a high gloss finish paired with matte surfaces, allows elements to stand out from one another and adds further depth to a design. Effective use of contrast ensures that key elements capture attention, enhancing the overall visual appeal and dynamism of the composition.

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

The post Visual Vignettes: An Interior Designer’s Guide to Creating Memorable Moments appeared first on Journal.

Visual Vignettes: An Interior Designer’s Guide to Creating Memorable Moments

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

As designers, we often see our projects in 2D, working with layers and lines to produce plans and elevations that could easily be considered artworks in their own right. To the trained eye, a well-drawn elevation is a thing of beauty. Our drawings are a place where, through the deep understanding of space and dimension that is common to designers, we can experiment with the intricacies of form and placement to explore the interaction between objects. Yet, the true magic happens when the successful elevation drawings are translated into reality, a skill that can transform spaces into immersive environments that captivate and inspire visitors.

“Visual Vignettes” are carefully composed moments within an interior design scheme that capture the balance of a two-dimensional elevation while harnessing the user’s or visitor’s sensory perceptions. They result from bridging the gap between the theoretical and the tangible. Visual vignettes are where the art of designing meets the science of space planning, turning abstract lines and shapes into moments. By thoughtfully manipulating light, texture, scale, and other parameters, designers can craft these vignettes to instill emotion and create memorable spaces — as is exemplified in this year’s A+Award-winning projects.

NeueHouse Venice Beach by Loescher Meachem Architects and DesignAgency, Los Angeles, California | Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Remote Work and Coworking Space

Establishing focal points is a great place to begin when building a visual vignette within a space. The aim is to guide the viewer’s eye and create a clear visual hierarchy. By creating a focal point in a space, your aim is to draw attention to a specific area or object, making certain that a chosen element or area stands out. These could be created by specifying a striking piece of furniture, highlighting unique architectural features, or choosing an artwork that effectively illustrates the desired atmosphere for the space. Intelligent placement of focal points in a room allows a designer to direct a visitor’s gaze with purpose to coordinate a sense of order and reaffirm the intended narrative of the space.

When striving to create visual vignettes, the principle of balance is key. Balance in a space ensures that no single element overshadows the others. For the person experiencing a space, balance or lack of it is one of those feelings we can never really put our finger on. When it’s right, typically, a user will feel a sense of comfort. When it’s not, a sense of uneasiness that cannot be determined is common. There are many ways to achieve balance in a design. However, two of the simplest to master are based on humanity’s innermost desire for order and ordered chaos.

Tree O’clock — Villa Qabalah by Studio Locomotive, Phuket, Thailand | Photos by Beer Singnoi | Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Mixed Use (S <25,000 sq ft)

As you’ve probably noticed, humans enjoy symmetry. It appeals to us on both a conscious and subconscious level, providing a sense of aesthetic pleasure and cognitive ease. It makes us think of health and stability and off—ers a sense of order. In interior design, symmetry shows up all the time. Think about in bedrooms with headboards, bedside tables and lamps. Or fireplaces with mantels centered on a lounge wall. As designers, we can introduce symmetry in subtle ways, for example, by framing areas with a set of curtains or choosing patterns that are symmetrical in design; even how we style shelving can bring symmetry into a design and instill harmony into a space.

Conversely, asymmetrical choices can also be highly effective. In this instance, designers use visual weight to capture a sense of balance as opposed to having an exact reflection. By grouping different elements of equal visual weight, we can achieve equilibrium while creating a more dynamic and intriguing composition. For instance, balancing a large piece of art with a cluster of smaller objet d’art items brings a lively yet cohesive feel. Similarly, a large armchair is flanked by nesting tables and a floor lamp — the varying heights and weights make the arrangements both engaging and balanced.

Building on the foundation of balance, composition and proportion are crucial to ensuring that each of the elements in a space relate well to each other. To achieve cohesion, many designers turn to established proportional strategies to guarantee pleasing relationships. “The Rule of Thirds” is often used to prevent monotony by introducing our old friend dynamic asymmetry, guiding the gaze through the space in an engaging manner. Adopting a well-understood idea like “The Golden Ratio” replicates the kind of organic balance we would typically experience in nature, making the composition of a space feel inherently satisfying in a primal way. Equally, designs that follow a grid system rely on proportions and the relative size of elements to ensure unity and balance.

House FC by fws_work, Taipei, Taiwan | Photos by Suiyu | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Apartment

This idea of grid systems can be used to great effect when making visual vignettes. Rhythm and repetition are excellent at mimicking a sense of movement that has continuity. By deliberately repeating design elements, designers can establish a visual flow that appeals to users. There are many ways to do this and different types of rhythm to try and create. Regular rhythm involves consistent intervals, equal spacing and positioning. Think of a corridor of artwork, all the same size in the same frames or a pathway flanked by the same species of tree.

Alternating rhythm introduces variety, using two different repeating elements that alternate back and forth. This could be a checkered floor or striped wallpaper. Progressive rhythm uses gradual variations, color gradients, or light washes, which are common ways to introduce progressive rhythm into a design. Random rhythm scatters elements in a planned yet spontaneous manner. This can be used effectively when designing shelving units, making each opening unique while consistent material and color bring cohesion. Introducing rhythm into a design can make a space feel both unified and engaging, creating a visual journey that truly captivates and holds a visitor’s attention.

Liminal House by McLeod Bovell Modern Houses, West Vancouver, Canada | Photos by Hufton and Crow | Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Residential Interiors (>3000 sq ft)

Finally, contrast is one of the simplest yet most powerful tools for creating a visual vignette. By juxtaposing different elements, such as texture, color, material and even something as basic as shadow and light, it is easy to create visual interest and highlight key features. Contrast, for example, using dark and light woods together or a high gloss finish paired with matte surfaces, allows elements to stand out from one another and adds further depth to a design. Effective use of contrast ensures that key elements capture attention, enhancing the overall visual appeal and dynamism of the composition.

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletters.

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“Yposkafo:” Digging Deeper Into Greece’s Wildly Popular Undercut Architectural Typology

Architizer is thrilled to announce the world' best architecture firms in 2024, all winners of the 12th Annual A+Awards! Want to get your firm in the running next season? Stay up to date by subscribing to our A+Awards Newsletter. 

Yposkafo, Greece’s undercut residential typology, opens up a subterranean world within the Greek island landscape. Different morphologies, techniques and processes have produced some of the quirkiest yet breathtaking architecture in the Greek rural topographies. Still, the origins of this architectural typology remain under-explored and, more importantly, so is the impact of such construction on the rough, untamed terrain of the island countryside.

Only a decade ago, yposkafo was primarily found on the islands of Santorini and Therasia. Because their soil is volcanic and thus quite malleable, this approach allowed builders to carve homes directly into the rock, usually underneath other buildings. Yet, today, all Greek islands are filled with yposkafo residences, many of which have received an award for architectural excellence.

This proliferation may be attributed to a building regulation law passed in 2012, allowing architects to build up to an additional 50% of the plot’s allowed square feet as long as the residence is partially under the earth. These legal parameters were an attempt to provide more homes and hotels and boost the tourist sector while at the same time preserving the islands’ natural landscape.


Aloni by Deca Architecture, Antiparos, Greece | Built in 2008, this site-sensitive yposkafo design was constructed four years before the government passed legislation promoting this approach. 

This architectural, political and economic move has led to the development of countless undercut residences, which admittedly do not always comply with the necessary regulations and have, as a result, instigated ample negative criticism in the past couple of years. Issues such as overbuilding, lack of the necessary infrastructure to sustain and support such buildings as well as the immense carbon footprint generated from all the supply transportation to the islands from the main country has achieved the exact opposite result: the deterioration of the natural landscape as well as the resource exploitation of most Greek islands.

Nevertheless, there is another, more optimistic side to the yposkafo typology. Even though this particular law has generated an overwhelming surge of newly built structures, it has unlocked a different approach to architectural conservation. More specifically, the alternative would be to faithfully preserve the existing Cycladic typology: small, one- to two-story white cubic houses situated on the steep island cliffs. If this type of structure were to spread as extensively as the yposkafo architecture, the islands would literally turned white.

The project LIKNON by k-studio is an excellent example that showcases the benefits of placing a building into the ground. LIKNON is a museum dedicated to the well-known Metaxa brand of premium Greek brandy, situated in a 100 year old vineyard in the island of Samos. The building is integrated into the landscape, immersing the visitors underground to get in touch with the brand’s history and eventually leading them to a series of stone terraces above the building, where the vines for the brandy are cultivated. The museum acts as an extension of the vineyard, without disrupting the natural scenery or the actual ecology of the place and thus suggesting a new, bioclimatic angle of the yposkafo typology.



LIKNON by K-Studio, Samos Prefecture, Greece | Jury Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Architecture +Stone

Apart from conserving the existing topography of the landscape as well as the local flora and fauna, undercut structures also maintain ideal temperatures in their interior. With the ground acting as a layer of natural insulation, yposkafo buildings offer unparalleled thermal comfort without the need of additional ventilation or cooling systems.

At the same time, during the excavation process, a lot of the ground’s material can be stored and reused, minimizing any unnecessary material waste. PetrA, a project designed by react architects, is a residence located in Paros and is purely made of the stone extracted from the excavation. It is comprised of thick walls and solid, heavy roofs, forming a new “artificial” rocky terrain, which is then utilized for agricultural cultivation as well as animal herding. This simple, morphological gesture contributes to the island’s overall economy without pulling from available resources.



PetrA by react architects, Paros, Greece | Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Architecture+Stone

When thinking about the negatives and positives of the proliferation of the yposkafo typology across the Cycladic landscapes, one can’t help but think of a quote by the ancient Greek philosopher Cleobulus: “all in moderation.”

The yposkafo typology started as an attempt to boost the Greek economy whilst preserving the landscape’s natural beauty, an action which has sadly escalated to the uncontrollable construction of oftentimes unnecessary luxurious tourist homes. Still, the solution is not to regress to the old impractical — albeit beautiful — white characteristic cubes, nor should the county’s natural heritage be sacrificed in the sake of profit.

Recognizing the functional, environmental, cultural and financial benefits of the yposkafo typology, architects, governing bodies and the wider society have an opportunity to experiment and introduce a different approach to heritage conservation — one where context becomes not only a conceptual but also a material building foundation.

Architizer is thrilled to announce the world' best architecture firms in 2024, all winners of the 12th Annual A+Awards! Want to get your firm in the running next season? Stay up to date by subscribing to our A+Awards Newsletter. 

Featured Image: LIKNON by K-Studio, A+Awards Finalist 2023, Concepts Architecture+Landscape

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Architectural Pilgrimmage: 15 Reasons Why Chengdu is a Top Design-Lovers Destination

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

Planning a trip to China? Make sure Chengdu is on your itinerary! As the capital of Sichuan Province, Chengdu is one of those cities that offers something for everyone. Known for its spicy cuisine and adorable Giant Pandas, Chengdu is also emerging as one of China’s top architecture and design hubs.

Situated in the fertile Sichuan Basin and surrounded by mountains and rivers, Chengdu has long been an agricultural heartland. With a population of over 16 million, it’s a lively metropolis where cultural heritage and modern design intertwine. The city features stunning projects, from museums and expo centers to creatively designed restaurants and community spaces. It’s no wonder it has been a common location for A+Award-winning projects in recent years.

From modern cultural landmarks to scenic parks, Chengdu has a lot to offer for design lovers and enthusiasts. With that in mind, we’re sharing 15 projects in (and around) the city that will convince you to include it on your travel list.

Longmenshan Town · Woyun Platform

By Archermit, Chengdu, China

Jury Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Cultural & Expo Centers

This building serves as the gateway to the National Giant Panda Forest Park and incorporates elements like bamboo forests, clouds and local geological features. The elevated “white bamboo forest” functions as an open meeting space for the surrounding villages, with a dome that transforms into a starry universe at night.

The Panda Pavilions

By Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch, Chengdu, China

Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Sustainable Cultural Building

Chengdu is the home of the beloved Giant Panda and the National Giant Panda Research and Breeding Center. Showcasing their commitment to preservation, the latest expansion of the center includes four new panda pavilions designed to feel like they are part of the natural landscape. These pavilions feature open-air circular courtyards that serve as outdoor playgrounds for the pandas, while visitors can observe and learn about their behavior without disturbing the animals.

Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art, Tianfu Library of Humanity and Art

By CSWADI, Chengdu, China

Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Libraries

Tianfu Art Park in Chengdu features the Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art and the Tianfu Library of Humanity and Art. The park’s stunning curved roofs mimic the nearby mountains, creating a breathtaking skyline.

The Chengdu Museum, with its expansive glass walls and skylights, aims to blend art with nature, offering engaging contemporary exhibitions.

Meanwhile, the terraced Tianfu Library, known as “Book Mountain,” uses reading platforms and book walls to create a dynamic space for exploration.

Minjiang Village Courier Station

By MUDA-Architects, Chengdu, China

Drawing inspiration from traditional Sichuan verandas, the design of this courier station (that serves both tourists and locals) reinterprets it with contemporary aesthetics. The building features a double-height semi-enclosed area, providing ample natural light and a multifunctional space for social interaction. This project is a key part of the rural revitalization effort, creating a flexible and inviting communal area.

Danjing Pavilion of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park

By Chengdu Architectural Design and Research Institute, Chengdu, China

This pavilion spans a historical site of over 2300 years and offers a prime vantage point overlooking the Eastern New Urban District and Three Forks Lake. Inspired by bamboo culture, the design incorporates elements of bamboo shoot towers, reinterpreting traditional Chinese pavilions with inclined supports that resemble bamboo shoots. The structure uses locally sourced materials, including high-performance bamboo-based fiber composite, promoting local employment and sustainable building practices.

Chengdu Museum of Natural History

By Pelli Clarke & Partners, Chengdu, China

This 538,195-square-foot (50,000-square-meter) museum celebrates Chengdu’s modern ethos and historical legacy with expansive exhibits, public spaces and educational facilities. The design reflects the region’s geological history with dramatic forms that mimic volcanic activity and tectonic shifts. The exterior granite surface features organic perforations, creating a striking visual effect that resembles daylight on mountain snow. Inside, sculpted wooden bridges evoke Chengdu’s ancient water passages, while outside, indigenous plants and waterways create an immersive natural experience.

Garden Hotpot Restaurant

By MUDA-Architects, Chengdu, China

Jury Winner, 8th Annual A+Awards, Restaurants

Tucked away in Chengdu’s “green lung,” this unique restaurant offers visitors the perfect spot to enjoy good food and great design. Inspired by the organic shapes of the eucalyptus forest and nearby lotus pond, the restaurant eliminates traditional walls, using pillars and open platforms to immerse diners in nature. The free-flowing roof curves and tree-integrated structure evoke the steam and smoke from boiling hotpots, strengthening the connection between the dining experience and the natural environment.

Qionglai Bamboo Pavilion

By UNO Architects, Qionglai City, Chengdu, China

This project is all about bamboo! Located near a vast bamboo forest, this pavilion highlights the beauty of the material in its design. It serves multiple purposes: a visitor center, a workshop for local crafts and a village gathering place. The pavilion features two interlocking roofs that form a public courtyard, often used by locals for dancing and events. The overall design gives visitors the sensation of walking through a bamboo forest.

Chengdu Science Fiction Museum

By Zaha Hadid Architects, Chengdu, China

Another fun fact about Chengdu is that it’s actually China’s leading incubator of science fiction. Showcasing the city’s contribution to the genre’s evolution and popularity, the new Chengdu Science Fiction Museum opened by hosting the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) and Hugo Awards for the first time in China.

Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, the building features fluid, futuristic forms that perfectly reflect the spirit of science fiction. Integrating with the natural lakeshore, the museum features interconnected pedestrian routes that weave through indoor and outdoor spaces, linking exhibition galleries, educational facilities, cafes and other amenities.


By Design Aesthetics, Chengdu, China

If you want to try Chengdu’s signature traditional food in a uniquely designed space, this is the place to be. The teahouse retains the original slanted roof and incorporates bamboo-woven elements like awnings and screens. The layout creates an uninterrupted connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces, offering an engaging and traditional dining experience.

Luxelakes Expo Center

By Antoine Predock with Chengdu Wide Horizon Investment Group, Chengdu, China

Serving as the entry to the Luxe Lake development, this center combines art, theater and dining into one cohesive space. Inspired by Chinese culture and the Sichuan landscape, the design mimics the movement of a dragon, with the structure descending from the hills to meet the lake.

The building spans from one to nine floors, incorporating galleries, restaurants, meeting rooms and a performance hall with a stunning red sandstone café wall. The exterior materials include low-maintenance bush-hammered concrete, structural glass glazing and locally sourced granite and bronze cladding.

With public pathways, plazas and green roofs extending from the surrounding park, the Luxe Lake Gateway provides an immersive, nature-filled experience that artfully combines modern design with traditional influences.

Sliced Porosity Block

By Steven Holl Architects, Chengdu, China

Jury Winner, 2nd Annual A+Awards, Architecture +Photography & Video

This complex stands out with its sun-sliced geometry, maximizing natural light throughout its structure. The design includes urban terraces, cascading pools and green roofs, creating vibrant public spaces inspired by Du Fu’s poetry. Sustainable elements like geothermal heating and rainwater harvesting make it a forward-thinking landmark in Chengdu.

Xinshan Community Center and Library

By VARI Design, Chengdu, China

The Xinshan Bookstore is a key part of the historical district’s urban renovation. Featuring a creative design inspired by traditional curvilinear roofs, it does a great job of combining modern and historic aesthetics.

The building’s double-curvature roof is divided into three sections, each housing unique communal spaces. Highlights include an interior amphitheater for gatherings, quiet reading balconies and a flexible coffee and atrium area.

Design-Oriented Day Trips From Chengdu

Shanshui Firewood Garden

By Mix Architecture, Yibin, China

Popular Choice Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Sustainable Hospitality Building

This multifunctional cultural space is located in Anshi Village near Yibin, not too far from Chengdu, making it a perfect day trip destination.

Designed with pierced wood structures and low eaves for ventilation, the project uses durable materials like bamboo weaving, mud walls and red sandstone. The building adopts a cross-style layout, featuring large eaves and an arc-shaped inner courtyard that create a fluid and dynamic space. Prominently featured in the design is firewood, a vital element of rural life, alongside red sandstone and small blue tiles, resulting in a rich, textured aesthetic.

Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts Extension

By Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, Xi’An, China

Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Museum

If you find yourself on a day trip from Chengdu to Xi’an, don’t miss the Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts. Neri&Hu’s latest design is envisioned as a new landmark for the city, standing out with its monolithic urban monument concept and subterranean layout.

The building uses cast-in-place concrete for the base and metal cladding with louvres for the facade, bringing light into the interior spaces. The design includes a series of escalators leading to the underground museum, creating a dramatic entry experience.

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

The post Architectural Pilgrimmage: 15 Reasons Why Chengdu is a Top Design-Lovers Destination appeared first on Journal.

30 Best Architecture and Design Firms in Tokyo

Tokyo’s architectural landscape is a dynamic fusion of history and innovation. Prior to the WWII bombings, the city was comprised of low-rise, traditional Edo-period buildings that were eventually destroyed. Today, the vibrant metropolis acts as a gate to the future, where landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree, the world’s tallest tower, have pushed the boundaries of architecture and construction technology. Architects such as Kenzo Tange, known for his work on the Yoyogi National Gymnasium, and Kengo Kuma, designer of the Japan National Stadium, have left indelible marks on the city’s skyline. In parallel, Tokyo’s dense urban fabric has driven contemporary architects to develop an impressive and pioneering language of tall, compact buildings with an array of uses: residences, office spaces and commercial centers that incorporate cutting-edge sustainable and earthquake-resistant technologies have managed to transform the city into an urban landscape filled with architectural character and innovation.

With so many architecture firms to choose from, it’s challenging for clients to identify the industry leaders that will be an ideal fit for their project needs. Fortunately, Architizer is able to provide guidance on the top design firms in Tokyo based on more than a decade of data and industry knowledge.

How are these architecture firms ranked?

The following ranking has been created according to key statistics that demonstrate each firm’s level of architectural excellence. The following metrics have been accumulated to establish each architecture firm’s ranking, in order of priority:

  • The number of A+Awards won (2013 to 2024)
  • The number of A+Awards finalists (2013 to 2024)
  • The number of projects selected as “Project of the Day” (2009 to 2024)
  • The number of projects selected as “Featured Project” (2009 to 2024)
  • The number of projects uploaded to Architizer (2009 to 2024)

Each of these metrics is explained in more detail at the foot of this article. This ranking list will be updated annually, taking into account new achievements of Tokyo architecture firms throughout the year.

Without further ado, here are the 30 best architecture firms in Tokyo:

30. atelier HAKO architects

© atelier HAKO architects

© atelier HAKO architects

Poetically simple, yet humorous architecture. A simple house that colors your life with a casual way of living, rather than cutting off the elements.
We freely and flexibly conceive a one-of-a-kind “life container” where you can get a glimpse of the personality of the resident in the shape and appearance of the space.

Some of atelier HAKO architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped atelier HAKO architects achieve 30th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 2
Total Projects 10

29. OSO



OSO is a Tokyo-based, architecture and design office with an international perspective. The office was established in 2017 by two partners – Esteban Ochogavia and Michael Sypkens – who formerly worked together at Kengo Kuma and Associates.

The current work involves both domestic and international projects ranging from shop interiors to large-scale offices and residential developments.

As an evolving office, we are exploring ways of finding new meaning in local forms and practices. We are not only interested in the built environment and its architectural heritage, but also the wider context of art, culture, and tradition that shape the present.

Some of OSO’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped OSO achieve 29th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 2
Total Projects 2

28. IKAWAYA Architects

© IKAWAYA Architects

© IKAWAYA Architects

IKAWAYA Architects is an office based in Tokyo. Its work revolves mainly around residential projects.

Some of IKAWAYA Architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped IKAWAYA Architects achieve 28th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 1
Total Projects 2


©  Satoshi Asakawa

© Satoshi Asakawa

For “Architecture that is only there, attached to it”!

We don’t have a fixed style.
We will always derive the appropriate answer for the place and request from the clean state.

I’ll think about architecture in a long span.
With the “experience and accumulation” and “flexible ideas” so far, we aim for architecture that leads to the future.

[with YOU]
While sharing the excitement of creation, we will proceed with the design in the process of accumulating empathy.

Some of SEISHO TAKASHI ARCHITECT’S STUDIO’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped SEISHO TAKASHI ARCHITECT'S STUDIO achieve 27th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 7


© GARDE Co., Ltd.

© GARDE Co., Ltd.

GARDE is a leading design company founded in 1985. We began providing retail design, branding and consulting services in Japan. We now have offices in Italy, Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Kuala Lampur, Los Angeles, New York and we provide services on a global scale.
GARDE designs the interiors of luxury fashion stores, boutiques, hotels, department stores, shopping centers, corporate offices and high-end residences. It offers customized services to satisfy clients’ needs through its global network of talented designers and a cutting-edge knowledge of the latest trends. GARDE provides services from original concept design to implementation and construction.

Some of GARDE’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped GARDE Co., Ltd. achieve 26th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Total Projects 11

25. Camp Design inc.

© Camp Design inc.

© Camp Design inc.

Camp Design inc. is based on architecture, from a small scale like a joinery to a design that affects a large scale like a city. Focusing on the design of living spaces, we also work on apartment complexes, stores, churches, and meeting places. In addition, we operate “Todo”, a specialized manufacturer of joinery, and design changes in distance, relationship, and feel through joinery.

Some of Camp Design inc.’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Camp Design inc. achieve 25th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 3

24. hiroyuki moriyama architect and associates

© Archi Photo Co.Ltd.

© Archi Photo Co.Ltd.

hiroyuki moriyama architect and associates is a first-class architect office based in Tokyo. Its work revolves mainly around residential and commercial architecture.

Some of hiroyuki moriyama architect and associates Inc,’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped hiroyuki moriyama architect and associates achieve 24th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 3

23. KIAS

© Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates

© Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates

KIAS is an architectural design studio based in Tokyo.

Some of KIAS’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped KIAS achieve 23rd place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 3

22. frontofficetokyo

© Takumi Ota Photography

© Takumi Ota Photography

frontofficetokyo is a multi-disciplinary architecture and planning office in Tokyo. Our work is strongly influenced by research on the urban context and ways of living in a highly urbanized world. Our starting point is that the city is the new nature, and in that case new kinds of architecture and urban form are needed. At larger scales we are focused on regional and master planning that incorporates social issues and science, from energy to economics, and population change, in order to develop a more resilient and sustainable future. At the smaller scale we are working on ways to create flexibility in the workspace and in retail design, allowing users to take part in the process of building an office or shop through the lessons of daily experience and need.

Some of frontofficetokyo’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped frontofficetokyo achieve 22nd place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 4

21. TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office

© TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office

© TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office

TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office is based in Tokyo, Japan. Its work is centred around residential architecture.

Some of TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped TAPO Tomioka Architectural Planning Office achieve 21st place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 3
Total Projects 6

20. Asai Architects

© Asai Architects

© Asai Architects

We are always thinking of “How Design contributes to our lives.” Good design gives you a lot of joy. And when the design comes up to “Art”, your life will be something full of exploration. Design exists in everything, from the small things such as pen, up big things like the cities. And it also exists in various media. What we are good at is the design of architecture and something near the scale of architecture. We will collaborate with the client and sometimes a variety of specialists, as to play a help to enrich your life.

Some of Asai Architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Asai Architects achieve 20th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 4




Born in 1967. He worked under Shiro Kuramata and Issey Miyake, and established his own studio, TOKUJIN YOSHIOKA INC. in 2000. Active in the fields of design, architecture and contemporary art, he is highly acclaimed globally. The “Sakura Torch” for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the glass bench exhibited at Musée d’Orsay called “Water Block,” the crystal prism architecture “Rainbow Church,” the natural crystal chair “VENUS,” and the glass teahouse “KOU-AN” are some of the many masterpieces announced. Many of his works are chosen as part of permanent collections in world renowned museums, including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Musée National d’Art Moderne and the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A).

Some of TOKUJIN YOSHIOKA DESIGN’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped TOKUJIN YOSHIOKA DESIGN achieve 19th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 5

18. Koichiro Oniki / ODS

© Takumi Ota Photography

© Takumi Ota Photography

Born in Tokyo in 1977. Graduated from Waseda University with a degree in Architecture and entered Nikken Sekkei in the same year. Later moved to design studio nendo, and worked on projects around the world as spatial design chief director for 10 years.
Established “ODS / Oniki Design Studio” in 2015.

Some of Koichiro Oniki / ODS’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Koichiro Oniki / ODS achieve 18th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 2
Total Projects 11

17. Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc.

© Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc.

© Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc.

Our mission is to contribute to society through exciting urban planning and architecture. We are committed to creating varied experiences for the users of our developments while employing environmentally conscious and sustainable design to help establish a safe and comfortable world for future generations.

We have completed numerous international projects with designs based on our combined experiences of both Japanese and American culture. Drawing upon the creative talents and international savvy of our team, we seek to contribute to the enhancement of the built environment and to the creation of cities and architecture worldwide.

Some of Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc.’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc. achieve 17th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 4

16. Endo Architect and Associates

© Endo Architect and Associates

© Endo Architect and Associates

Architecture is “current circumstance”. The built form is thus an integrated part of its environment. I do not just make architecture as an object, but I wish to involve the surrounding context, influence others, and design something like a mass of air which wraps around architecture, people, and activities all together. It is more than an action to express architecture, but also an action to mark the “current” time using architecture as a resource.

The importance in designing this “current circumstance” in each region is to know what the “social capital” is in that area. A lot of the community has not realised their value and therefore they have not known the existence of their “social capital”. They are too close to understand themselves what their capital is. Architects today, when designing as professionals, are required to find the regions’ social capital and report back to the community. I believe that those important social capital needs to be utilised and well expressed through its architecture.

Some of Endo Architect and Associates’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Endo Architect and Associates achieve 16th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 6

15. aoydesign

© aoydesign

© aoydesign

By increasing dialogue, we aim to be a building that is suitable for that place and that person, and that you can feel attached not only to the client but also to the city. We value the texture and texture that increases our presence over time. We are designing as a couple, so we will propose from various perspectives. We also help you find properties such as land and condominiums from the perspective of architects. I try to design carefully, believing in work that can reach my hands and heart. We can’t accept a lot of work at the same time, so it may take a little time, but please feel free to contact us.

Some of aoydesign’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped aoydesign achieve 15th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 7

14. Fumihiko Sano Studio

© Fumihiko Sano Studio

© Fumihiko Sano Studio

Born on 1981 in Nara Prefecture. Sano began his career as an apprentice as a Sukiya carpenter at Nakamura Souji Komuten in Kyoto. After working at a design office, he created an independent studio in 2011. Utilizing the construction methods, materials, and sense of space gained from the onsite experience, Sano utilizes the Japanese culture of today as a basis for concepts and designs.

In 2016, he visited 16 countries around the world and carried out a project to create a tea room as a place of hospitality in each location. Aiming to create new value for the culture of various regions, he continues to carry out cross-disciplinary works in architecture, interior design, product design, and artwork.

Some of Fumihiko Sano Studio’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Fumihiko Sano Studio achieve 14th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 9

13. Nikkei Housing System



Since Nikkei Housing System was founded in 1970, we have built about 100,000 housing as a professional architecture firm. We are holding an exhibit to think over the past, present, and future of dwelling units with a spotlight on our representative projects since our foundation and how they have changed over the past 50 years as they respond to what’s expected of housing by the new generations, society as a whole, and people at the time.

Some of Nikkei Housing System’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Nikkei Housing System achieve 13th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 5
Total Projects 11

12. Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates

© Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates

© Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates

Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates was established by architect and architectural theorist Takashi Yamaguchi. The firm has designed a breadth of structures, from residential homes to spaces of devotion.

Some of Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates achieve 12th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 9

11. YUUA



YUUA is a first-class licensed architectural firm located in a 100-year-old traditional Japanese townhouse in the quaint neighborhood of Koenji, Tokyo. We place great importance on the dialogue with our clients to create the narrative of every design together, adjusted to the user and location. We offer multilingual design, consulting and supervision services for a wide range buildings and spaces. Through our design, we hope to create value for both the city and society. From a single apartment renovation to large real estate development, please feel free to contact us with your inquiries.

Some of YUUA’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped YUUA achieve 11th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 3
Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 5

10. Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

© Photo.Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners Inc

© Photo.Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners Inc

Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP was established in 2002 by Hiroshi Nakamura. He believes in constructing an organic relationship between “architecture, nature, and the body” through “microscopic design” that is close to natural phenomena, people’s behavior, and emotional movements. And we aim to harmonize them with “architecture that can only be found there” based on the history, culture, industry, materials, etc. of the region. In recent years, he has found the essence of this in traditional Japanese architecture and garden culture, and is working to reconstruct them.

Some of Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP achieve 10th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 2
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 4




tdstudio is a small, collaborative, and diverse international architectural office based in Tokyo. At tdstudio (Tsushima Design Studio), we strive to create more memorable and enchanting spaces through the utilization of trans-formative architecture. Through thoughtful transformations of the projects site, existing structures, architectural landscapes, and the surrounding environment we are able to create an overall clarity within our architectural projects which helps us to define more “TANGIBLE SPACES.”

In all of our projects we are committed to the creation of Architecture which sensitive to its surroundings not only now, but also throughout the lifetime of the building and beyond. Programmatic functioning, site conditions, regional context, the surrounding environment, as well as local culture’s and technologies are all carefully studied and implemented into each individual project.

Some of TDSTUDIO’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped TDSTUDIO achieve 9th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 6

8. Yohei Kawashima architects inc.

© Daici Ano

© Daici Ano

Yohei Kawashima architects was founded in 2014 by Youhei Kawashima and is based in Tokyo, Japan. The firm is well versed in the design of large-scale apartment buildings as well as retail architecture.

Some of Yohei Kawashima architects inc.’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Yohei Kawashima architects inc. achieve 8th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 10

7. kasa architects

© kasa architects

© kasa architects

We want to create places, not buildings. We share our clients’ ideas and wishes, discovering the joys and comforts of a new way of life. We value the qualities of a place, and we want to create rich spaces by pursuing the possibilities of architecture.

Some of kasa architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped kasa architects achieve 7th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 18




Our aim is to find the simplest and the most innovative space composition, construction method or other architectural technique that does tackle the different problems and give a coherent, clever, logical solution. In order to do so, we will investigate and analyze the customer’s requirements, observe the urban context, understand the social interactions, acknowledge local history, culture, regulations and natural environment, study building materials and techniques.

Some of Akira Koyama + KEY OPERATION INC. / ARCHITECTS’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Akira Koyama + KEY OPERATION INC. / ARCHITECTS achieve 6th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 2
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 7
Total Projects 24

5. Florian Busch Architects

© Florian Busch Architects

© Florian Busch Architects

Florian Busch Architects is an office practicing architecture, urbanism, and socio-cultural analysis. Based in Tokyo, FBA draws on a worldwide network of expert consultants, architects and engineers, accumulating several decades of experience in the ?eld of building. Understanding architecture as the result of interactions between multiple ?elds, FBA, from the outset of any project, devises speci?c strategies working in feedback processes with a diversity of consultants to drive the project towards solutions beyond the imagined.

Florian Busch Architectural Design Office is an office that engages in research on architecture, urban planning, society and culture. Based in Tokyo, we have a network of numerous engineers who have decades of experience and trust in the architectural world.

Some of Florian Busch Architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Florian Busch Architects achieve 5th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 11
Total Projects 15

4. emmanuelle moureaux INC.

© Daisuke Shima

© Daisuke Shima

Born in 1971, France. Emmanuelle Moureaux is a French architect living in Tokyo since 1996, where she established “emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design” in 2003. Inspired by the layers and colors of Tokyo that built a complex depth and density on the street, and the Japanese traditional spatial elements like sliding screens, she has created the concept of “shikiri”, which literally means “dividing (creating) space with colors”. She uses colours as three-dimensional elements, like layers, in order to create spaces, not as a finishing touch applied on surfaces.

Some of emmanuelle moureaux INC.’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped emmanuelle moureaux INC. achieve 4th place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 2
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 14
Total Projects 24

3. Nendo

© Nendo

© Nendo

Giving people a small “!” moment. There are so many small “!” moments hidden in our everyday, but we don’t recognize them, and even when we do, we tend to unconsciously reset our minds and forget what we’ve seen. But we believe these small “!” moments are what make our days so interesting—so rich. That’s why we want to reconstitute the everyday by collecting and reshaping them into something that’s easy to understand. We’d like the people who’ve encountered nendo’s designs to feel these small “!” moments intuitively. That’s nendo’s job.

Some of Nendo’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Nendo achieve 3rd place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

Featured Projects 21
Total Projects 17


© Eiichi Kano

© Eiichi Kano

At Nikken Sekkei, we take an integrated approach to our projects as a professional service firm. Across all in-house disciplines of architectural design: urban design, research, planning and consulting — our teams work collaboratively to deliver better solutions for clients.

Some of NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD achieve 2nd place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 3
A+Awards Finalist 9
Featured Projects 26
Total Projects 40

1. Kengo Kuma and Associates

© Kengo Kuma and Associates

© Kengo Kuma and Associates

Kengo Kuma was born in 1954. He established Kengo Kuma & Associates in 1990. He is currently a University Professor and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo after teaching at Keio University and the University of Tokyo. KKAA projects are currently underway in more than 50 countries. Kengo Kuma proposes architecture that opens up new relationships between nature, technology, and human beings. His major publications include Zen Shigoto(Kengo Kuma – the complete works, Daiwa Shobo), Ten Sen Men (“point, line, plane”, Iwanami Shoten), Makeru Kenchiku (Architecture of Defeat, Iwanami Shoten), Shizen na Kenchiku (Natural Architecture, Iwanami Shinsho), Chii-sana Kenchiku (Small Architecture, Iwanami Shinsho) and many others.

Some of Kengo Kuma and Associates’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Kengo Kuma and Associates achieve 1st place in the 30 Best Architecture Firms in Tokyo:

A+Awards Winner 5
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 46
Total Projects 47

Why Should I Trust Architizer’s Ranking?

With more than 30,000 architecture firms and over 130,000 projects within its database, Architizer is proud to host the world’s largest online community of architects and building product manufacturers. Its celebrated A+Awards program is also the largest celebration of architecture and building products, with more than 400 jurors and hundreds of thousands of public votes helping to recognize the world’s best architecture each year.

Architizer also powers firm directories for a number of AIA (American Institute of Architects) Chapters nationwide, including the official directory of architecture firms for AIA New York.

An example of a project page on Architizer with Project Award Badges highlighted

A Guide to Project Awards

The blue “+” badge denotes that a project has won a prestigious A+Award as described above. Hovering over the badge reveals details of the award, including award category, year, and whether the project won the jury or popular choice award.

The orange Project of the Day and yellow Featured Project badges are awarded by Architizer’s Editorial team, and are selected based on a number of factors. The following factors increase a project’s likelihood of being featured or awarded Project of the Day status:

  • Project completed within the last 3 years
  • A well written, concise project description of at least 3 paragraphs
  • Architectural design with a high level of both functional and aesthetic value
  • High quality, in focus photographs
  • At least 8 photographs of both the interior and exterior of the building
  • Inclusion of architectural drawings and renderings
  • Inclusion of construction photographs

There are 7 Projects of the Day each week and a further 31 Featured Projects. Each Project of the Day is published on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Stories, while each Featured Project is published on Facebook. Each Project of the Day also features in Architizer’s Weekly Projects Newsletter and shared with 170,000 subscribers.



We’re constantly look for the world’s best architects to join our community. If you would like to understand more about this ranking list and learn how your firm can achieve a presence on it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at editorial@architizer.com.

The post 30 Best Architecture and Design Firms in Tokyo appeared first on Journal.

The Future of Architecture: How Today’s 3D-Printed Projects Could Shape Tomorrow’s Urban Landscape

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

In 1981, Dr. Hideo Kodama invented the first rapid prototyping machine. A couple of years later, in 1986, Chuck Hull filed the first patent for stereolithography (SLA). Even though it was not apparent at the time, both inventors changed the course of manufacturing forever. One of the most significant advantages of 3D printing is its ability to materialize complex designs with impressive speed and precision while using specific amounts of the material necessary, thus reducing waste. In parallel, 3D printing technology is also democratizing manufacturing by allowing small firms and individuals to participate in their own custom components.

Even though architects are highly aware of the benefits of such technology and have witnessed countless 3D printing applications, the scale of these endeavors has primarily remained quite small. In the realm of architecture and construction, 3D printing is mostly used to print models of the actual designs rather than the design itself. Issues such as technical limitations, the lack of large-scale printers as well as concerns about material durability pose significant challenges. Still, what if we could 3D print entire cities? What kind of future settings and applications would this technology unlock?

213 Third Avenue by KUSHNER studios Architecture & Design PC, Brooklyn, New York | Popular Choice Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Architecture +Models and Rendering | This 14-story new residential building, planned for construction, will feature a unique ground floor system of two-story high 3D printed commercial entryways and storefronts. The company producing the 3D components is an offshoot of the designer’s architectural practice, allowing a unique delivery methodology that bypasses many of the traditional conflicts present in the current traditional architect-contractor paradigm.

Scenario 01: The Circular Metropolis

It is 2060 and a newly established city situated in Munich’s outskirts, entirely constructed using eco-friendly 3D printing materials. Walls, slabs and roofs are made of concrete, synthesized by the water and soil found on site. Disintegratable resin is used for windows and glass panels, while furniture and utility devices are 3D printed using locally sourced metals and alloys. The Circular Metropolis is primarily a research center and home to innovators who have majored in material science and aspire to develop robust and long-lasting material composites.


House Zero by ICON and Lake|Flato Architects, Austin, Texas Jury Winner, Architecture +Experimental Design; Jury Winner, Architecture +New Technlogy, 11th Annual A+Awards

Back in 2022, House Zero, located in Austin, Texas, was completed. The project was materialized by using a 9500 pound robot that 3D printed the entirety of the residence’s walls made of a proprietary cementitious-based material dubbed “Lavacrete,” insulation, and some steel for reinforcing. The material provides increased insulation, forming an air-tight wall that slows the heat transfer into the home.

Scenario 02: The Rapid Relief Disaster Zone

On June 19th, 2043, San Francisco is devastated by a major tsunami, destroying most parts of the city. Within days of the disaster, large-scale 3D printing arms are deployed, creating temporary shelters in just a couple of hours. Over the following months, residents are contributing to the reconstruction of their homes and the city’s infrastructure, designing components and feeding them into 3D printing robots, situated all over the city. 3D printed levees and barriers are installed to protect against future flooding, turning San Francisco into an urban design model for disaster response.


Striatus 3D Printed Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects, Venice, Italy Jury Winner, Architecture +Concrete, 12th Annual A+Awards

In 2021, an arched masonry footbridge composed of 3D printed concrete blocks that demand no mortar or reinforcement was exhibited at the Giardini della Marinaressa during the Venice Architecture Biennale. Known as Striatus, this “striated” compression-only structure is made of flexible, interlocking building blocks, which could become dismantled and reassembled to respond to any context or functional requirement.

Scenario 03: The Heritage Preservation District

In 2037, the restoration works for the Acropolis in Athens are coming to a close. Using precise 3D printed replicas of the damaged building elements, a series of parts are produced to “fill in the gaps” of the ancient temples. The components are 3D printed out of a special pigment made of marble dust, ensuring longevity and durability, while at the same time blending seamlessly with the existing historic structure. The success of the project has instigated a new conservation program that aims to use the same processes and technologies to restore the array of deteriorating neoclassical buildings currently scattered within Athens’ historic city centre.


New Delft Blue by Studio RAP, Delft, Netherlands

In 2023, the project New Delft Blue, situated in the historic Dutch city, Delft, was completed. By integrating 3D clay printing, computational design and traditional glazing techniques, New Delft Blue set a precedent by reinterpreting traditional ceramic ornamentation and creating its contemporary 21st century version, unfolding a new architectural restoration potential based on the design language of Delft Blue porcelain.

Scenario 04: The Mars Colony

In 2100, a self-sustaining colony on Mars is constructed using entirely  3D printing technology with locally (i.e. interplanetary) sourced materials. The colony consists of domes and tunnels, designed to protect inhabitants from harsh Martian conditions. Colonists use 3D printers to create durable and insulated structures, made of regolith (MaDtian soil), functioning as greenhouses that provide fresh food, shelters and recycling centers. The portability and ease-of-use of these extraterrestrial 3d printers allow colonists to construct additional structures to accommodate their ever-growing community.

The village of Darak is an area in Iran where the sea surrounds the sand dunes of the desert. In 2025, the construction of the Sandy Darak Pavilion will be completed. The structure is materialized through a special 3D printer, which can use endemic materials, such as clay and sand. In parallel, by using a layer-by-layer construction method, the form is gradually created without any harm or disruption to the environment and the natural surroundings.

This juxtaposition between projects that are currently materialized and potential future architectural scenarios reveal 3d printing’s immense potential. Eco-friendly materials, customizable kits-of-parts, precise components for architectural restoration as well as methods of construction that are respectful towards their context are all practices that are already becoming implemented through the 3d printing industry. By looking at today’s projects as architectural and technological prototypes, fosters an aspiration for taking these “methodologies” further and creating a future where sustainable, innovative, and contextually respectful architecture and — more importantly — its materialization becomes a reality.

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

Featured Image: House Zero by ICON and Lake|Flato Architects

The post The Future of Architecture: How Today’s 3D-Printed Projects Could Shape Tomorrow’s Urban Landscape appeared first on Journal.

Counter Culture: The Underappreciated Evolution of Surface Design in Architecture

The votes are in, and Architizer is thrilled to unveil the winners of the A+Product Awards! Register for Architizer's A+Product Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

Checking in for a well-deserved holiday, laughing with friends over a cup of coffee, or choosing the perfect gift for a loved one — these moments, these vibrant snapshots of life, unfold countless times each week. Despite their differences, they all have one thing in common: a counter.

Whether you’re perched on a stool catching up on the latest news, swiping your credit card at a department store, or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the humble counter is always there, supporting us both literally and metaphorically. But why? Why, in an age brimming with cutting-edge technology, do we remain so enamored with these large, often imposing structures? What is it about these steadfast surfaces that captures our hearts and allows them to endure?

The journey of the shop counter begins, like many things, in the ancient marketplaces of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. Merchants displayed their goods on simple tables, and these rudimentary counters served the basic purpose of facilitating trade. As society evolved, so did the counter. The Renaissance period brought a surge in consumerism, leading to more permanent and elaborate counter designs. These counters were not just functional but also symbols of status and prosperity.

Apple Battersea by Foster + Partners, Battersea, Greater London, United Kingdom | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Commercial Retail | Photos by Nigel Young

The 20th century marked a significant shift, as the design of shop counters began to reflect advancements in ergonomics and customer psychology. Counters moved on from simply being seen as a base for in-store retail transactions to becoming something much more valuable when strategized properly.

Today much of our retail trade has shifted online, and so some brands have ingeniously reimagined the traditional counter, transforming it into an essential part of the in-store experience. This innovation showcases the unique value of physical retail spaces. A prime example of this evolution is the Apple Store. While these stores eschew typical retail counters in favor of handheld, satellite payment systems, they have preserved the counter’s importance through the Genius Bar, which plays a pivotal role in their store design and function. Like it or not, Apple has turned the counter into an integral part of its brand experience.

The transformation of counters from mere transactional points to centers of meaningful interaction involves meticulous attention to detail in their design. Counter heights, functionality and materials are no longer afterthoughts but critical elements that undergo significant scrutiny. This evolution reflects a broader understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient. Designers now prioritize adaptability and a keen understanding of user demographics to ensure that counters meet the diverse needs of both customers and employees.

Stand Up Udon Noodel by sawa architects, Jingumae, Shibuya City, Japan | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Restaurant (S <1000 sq ft). 

One key aspect of modern counter design is adaptability. Counters with adjustable heights can accommodate people of varying statures, thereby promoting inclusivity and acknowledging that, in fact, one size certainly does not fit all. Integrated steps or movable sections further enhance this adaptability, allowing counters to serve multiple functions and facilitating ease of interaction. Being thoughtful in design ensures that everyone can comfortably engage with the counter, creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

Moreover, the choice of materials can play a critical role in enhancing the counter’s appeal. Surfaces now need to be not only durable but also pleasant to touch and experience. Soft-touch surfaces and anti-fatigue mats are examples of innovations that prioritize comfort and well-being — these considerate design choices encourage longer and more meaningful interactions. The counter becomes a place where customers linger, engage in conversations and build connections while capturing the broader desire for human-centered design. By making counters more accessible and comfortable, designers create an inviting atmosphere that enhances customer satisfaction as well as employee efficiency.

SKP Chengdu by SYBARITE, Chengdu, China | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Commercial, Shopping Center | Photos by Nick Kuratnik

If you’ve ever wandered around a store for ten minutes looking for the checkout, you’ll understand that the positioning of counters is a critical factor. One that can dramatically influence the flow and efficiency of various environments and is often cited as one of the arguments for their removal. To be well seen, they have to be too big, too bulky. Nowhere nearly as simple as a wandering salesperson with a tablet. However, by optimizing counter placement with meticulous planning to ensure clear signage, unobstructed pathways and strategic locations, and ensuring these elements successfully work together, the counter can actually aid in facilitating smooth traffic flow, enhancing interactions and better service delivery.

In retail environments, strategically placed counters help customers navigate the store with ease, allowing them to find what they need quickly and comfortably. Logical placement of counters streamlines the shopping experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient. You might not know it, but because of a quick and easy visit, a correctly positioned counter could be the reason you return to a particular store over another.

Monasty by Not a Number Architects, Thessaloniki, Greece | Jury Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Commercial Interiors (>25,000 sq ft) | Photos by Yiorgos Kordakis

In hospitality settings such as hotels and event venues, the strategic placement of check-in counters plays a huge role in guaranteeing a smooth and pleasant arrival experience. These counters are designed to handle high volumes of traffic efficiently while maintaining a welcoming ambiance. Thoughtful layout designs that can include multiple counters with varying functions in different positions allow designers to respect natural human movements and behaviors, making the environment more intuitive and user-friendly.

While the physical design and placement of counters are part of what makes them such useful tools in the designing of public spaces, the psychological impact of counter design cannot be overstated. Like early traders who embellished their counters to project an image of wealth and trustworthiness, modern retailers understand the power of visual engagement. Counters are often a focal point, making them prime spots for branding and marketing, transforming them from functional surfaces into dynamic sales tools.

Slabtitude by Vaslab Architecture, Bangkok, Thailand | Popular Winner, 12th Annual A+Awards, Restaurant (S <1000 sq ft) | Photos by Spaceshift Studio

Interactive elements are now a cornerstone of counter design. Touchscreens, product samples and interactive displays keep customers engaged while they wait, providing information and encouraging purchases. These features turn waiting time into valuable marketing opportunities, enhancing the customer experience and subtly influencing purchasing decisions. Incorporating technology has transformed counters from places for transactions to vibrant, engaging spaces that drive sales and foster brand loyalty. Thus, counters have become crucial components of modern retail and service environments.

As we continue to evolve, the humble counter remains — an enduring value of thoughtful design in our everyday environments. Despite the advances in technology and changes in retail landscapes, the counter reflects our ongoing desire for spaces that facilitate interaction, provide comfort and enhance our experiences.

The votes are in, and Architizer is thrilled to unveil the winners of the A+Product Awards! Register for Architizer's A+Product Awards Newsletter to receive future program updates.

The post Counter Culture: The Underappreciated Evolution of Surface Design in Architecture appeared first on Journal.