
curved green roof shields wiki world’s wooden cabin of palette in wuhan

elevated above the ground, the cabin's main structure clads in black carbonized wood.

The post curved green roof shields wiki world’s wooden cabin of palette in wuhan appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.

hand-charred wood clads wiki world’s cabin of maze complex dotting island in wuhan

thirteen modular rooms are linked by a 100-meter-long black corridor, creating a maze-like living experience.

The post hand-charred wood clads wiki world’s cabin of maze complex dotting island in wuhan appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.

pure green cabin retreat by wiki world floats on secluded islet in chinese lake

the structure is crafted from laminated wood and assembled through digital fabrication, preserving the texture of the forest.

The post pure green cabin retreat by wiki world floats on secluded islet in chinese lake appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.