Architects: Studiomk27
Location: Campos do Jordão – SP, Brazil
Architect In Charge: Marcio Kogan
Co Autora: Maria Cristina Motta
Desing Team: Carlos Costa, Carolina Castroviejo, Elisa Friedmann, Laura Guedes, Mariana Simas, Mauro Augusto, Oswaldo Pessano, Pedro Ribeiro, Rafael Costa…
Interior Sigue leyendo →
Architects: Zemel + ARQUITETOS
Location: Vila Madalena, São Paulo – São Paulo, Brasil
Project Architects: Paula Zemel Pompeu de Toledo e Eduardo Chalabi
Collaborator: Cristiano Zan
Project Area: 148.0 m2
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Maíra Acayaba
Assistant: Fernando Milan…
Construction: Sigue leyendo →
In 1955 the Museum of Modern Art staged Latin American Architecture since 1945,… a landmark survey of modern architecture in Latin America. On the 60th anniversary of that important show, the Museum returns to the region to offer a complex overview Sigue leyendo →
Despite his status, Le Corbusier never had the opportunity to build in New York – in fact he only had one chance to build in the United States at all, completing Harvard’s Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts in Cambridge in …Sigue leyendo → noticias arquitectura :: noticias arquitectura ::2015-02-28 11:30:462015-02-28 11:30:46North America’s Radiant City: Le Corbusier’s Impact on New York
Brazilian planner, preservationist and modernist thinker Lucio Costa (27 Feburary 1902 - 13 June 1998) is best known for his 1957 plan of Brasília that shaped the Brazilian capital into a monument to utopian modernism. A resolute and often controversial figure in the Brazilian establishment, Costa’s contributions to Brazilian architecture helped to shape the distinctive modernism that was practically Brazil’s official style until the 1980s.
Located in Porto Feliz, Brazil, Isay Weinfeld’s Fazenda Boa Vista Spa is a low-rise construction whose build-out follows the land contours and the boundaries of adjacent woodland. “Internally, it unfolds in a succession of spaces with different sizes, lighting intensities and textures – everything always white.” say the architects. “White, by the way, […]Sigue leyendo →