burgos | designboom burgos | designboom2024-12-23 08:20:502024-12-23 08:20:50are waymo’s autonomous taxis safer than human-driven vehicles? new study says so
in our list, we explore the tech designs that have made their mark in 2024, including dyson’s ontrac headphones and teenage engineering’s medieval music sampler.
my archischool launches the youth archidesign competition, challenging young minds (ages 6-17) to design a school village with the help of GenAI tools. spears I designboom spears I designboom2024-12-13 07:00:222024-12-13 07:00:22my archischool empowers young designers to reimagine school villages with GenAI tools
in the artist's first solo exhibition with bitforms gallery, a trained AI model generates scenes that straddle the line between photorealism and abstraction. tsimpou | designboom tsimpou | designboom2024-12-05 15:00:022024-12-05 15:00:02AI-driven imagery meets reality in marco brambilla’s US media critique video installation
in the artist's first solo exhibition with bitforms gallery, a trained AI model generates scenes that straddle the line between photorealism and abstraction. tsimpou | designboom tsimpou | designboom2024-12-05 15:00:022024-12-05 15:00:02AI-driven imagery meets reality in marco brambilla’s US media critique video installation
designboom's top 10 readers stories of 2024 on social impact: from oil rigs turned into mealworm-powered plastic-filtering ecosystems, to AI-driven innovations responding to global warming. vergopoulou I designboom vergopoulou I designboom2024-12-05 07:50:402024-12-05 07:50:40TOP 10 reader submissions of 2024 – social impact ilia I designboom ilia I designboom2024-12-03 07:30:152024-12-03 07:30:15cai guo-qiang’s AI model makes its solo exhibition debut in macau with cAI™: soul scan burgos | designboom burgos | designboom2024-12-02 08:50:502024-12-02 08:50:50yamaha unveils AI-inspired concept superbike with ‘sci-fi’ wheels that glow in the dark Tang Tang2024-11-09 18:45:542024-11-09 18:45:54gpTea: an interactive AI-powered tea set that facilitates storytelling between distant friends
there’s not much detail yet on how it works, but the technology team says that they use a large language model to enable the emotional interaction between the AI and the driver. Moving Moving2024-11-04 20:45:232024-11-04 20:45:233D printed micro metal car ‘robo-EV’ has AI that can detect driver’s mood and console them