tsimpou | designboom tsimpou | designboom2025-02-24 07:20:112025-02-24 07:20:11thomas phifer-designed museum of modern art in warsaw launches with exhibition opening barandy I designboom barandy I designboom2024-12-30 14:01:502024-12-30 19:45:50SLAS architekci wraps concert hall in poland with shimmering steel facade 19:45:002024-12-15 19:45:00pavilion-like forms and large openings of ‘weave house’ shield urban views in warsaw 00:10:062024-10-14 00:10:06triple house by superhelix unfolds three successive gabled units clad in red cedar 00:10:062024-10-14 00:10:06triple house by superhelix unfolds three successive gabled units clad in red cedar
inspired by the stellar minimalism of stanley kubrick's 2001: a space odyssey, the boutique blends bridal elegance with brutal extraterrestrial landscapes. zeitoun I designboom zeitoun I designboom2024-08-15 14:01:482024-08-15 14:01:48balbek bureau evokes extraterrestrial landscapes at milla nova’s bridal store in warsaw