
Infographic: ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards 2015

Selected by votes from over 31,000 architects and architecture enthusiasts around the world, the winners of the 2015 Building of the Year Awards represent the best architecture of the past year. By using the intelligence of the crowd to judge over… Sigue leyendo

The 14 Stories Behind the 2015 Building of the Year Award Winners

With our annual Building of the Year Awards, over 30,000 readers narrowed down over 3,000 projects, selecting just 14 as the best examples of architecture that ArchDaily has published in the past year. The results have been celebrated and widely shared, of… Sigue leyendo

Winners of the 2015 Building of the Year Awards

After two weeks of nominations and voting, we are pleased to present the winners of the 2015 ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards. As a peer-based, crowdsourced architecture award, the results shown here represent the collective intelligence of 31,000 architects,… Sigue leyendo