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Healthy Living Promoted by Vintage-Style RAMBUTAN Fruit Studio in Kiev

Yaroslav Galant completed the design and development of Kiev’s first fruit shop entitled RAMBUTAN fruit studio. Its vintage style is said to reinforce the idea of a “clubbing-like atmosphere for adherents of a healthy lifestyle”. Rambutan offers guests the opportunity to try out fresh fruit, smoothies, salads, jams or wine, but also to learn about the […]

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Box House / S-AR stación-ARquitectura + Comunidad Vivex

Architects: S-AR stación-ARquitectura, Comunidad Vivex
Location: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Project Team: César Guerrero, Ana Cecilia Garza, Carlos Flores, María Sevilla
Collaborators: Alejandra Rivero, Silvia Rodríguez, Berenice Reyna
Project Area: 110.0 m2
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Alejandro Cartagena From the … Sigue leyendo

The Three-Dimensional City: How Drones Will Impact the Future Urban Landscape

Many have come to associate drones with the looming unmanned aircraft deployed in the defense industry, but as technology continues to improve drones have gotten smaller and progressively less expensive. Consumers can now purchase their very own drone for as little… Sigue leyendo

Lake’s Restaurant / mass arquitetura e Norea De Vitto

Architects: mass arquitetura, Norea De Vitto
Location: São Paulo – State of São Paulo, Brazil
Design Team: Arqº Gustavo Massimino / mass arquitetura e Arqª Nórea De Vitto / Galvez & De Vitto Interiores
Area: 220.0 sqm
Year: 2012…
Photographs: Sigue leyendo

‘An Installation In Four Acts’ – Exploring Structuralism At Rotterdam’s Nieuwe Instituut

Great movements in architecture are usually set in motion by a dull societal ache or as a response to a sudden, unforeseen reorientation of a community at large. The Dutch city of Rotterdam - vast swathes of which were cast into oblivion… Sigue leyendo

Wood Structure Inside Stone Walls / Corpo Atelier

Architects: Corpo Atelier
Location: Sernancelhe, Portugal
Design Team: Filipe Paixão
Construction: Window to the Future ( and Opus Nobel Energia
Year: 2014
Photographs: Ricardo Oliveira Alves From the architect.… “The vertical pillar extends to the far heavens.
The horizontal beam Sigue leyendo

Happy New Year from ArchDaily!

Happy New Year to ArchDaily’s readers all around the world: from the first people to celebrate in Kiribati, Samoa and New Zealand, to those in Hawaii and American Samoa – who at the time of publishing are still waiting to celebrate the new year -… Sigue leyendo

Compact Karst House / dekleva gregori? arhitekti

Architects: dekleva gregorič arhitekti
Location: 6221 Vrhovlje, Slovenia
Project Team: Aljoša Dekleva u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist),Tina Gregorič u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist), Lea Kovič, u.d.i.a., Vid Zabel štud. arh.
Area: 83.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Janez Marolt Client: Borut Pertot…
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Lo Mejor de Tecnohaus: Diciembre 2014

Haciendo un recuento del año, queremos dejarlos con los artículos que tuvieron mayor impacto en nuestros lectores, aquellos que les entregaron inspiración para sus propias ideas. En esta reseña te mostramos las 5 notas mas leídas en Diciembre 2014. ¡Que lo disfruten! Casa en Playa Palabritas La propuesta arquitectónica esta orientada a lograr que los ambientes sociales. Es decir la sala y Sigue leyendo

Lo Mejor de Tecnohaus: Noviembre 2014

Antes de que se termine este año queremos presentarles los artículos más leídos del 2014, con la idea de hacer un recuento y descubrir cuales fueron los temas que más leyeron nuestros lectores, aquellos que les entregaron inspiración para sus propias ideas. En esta reseña te mostramos las 5 notas mas leídas en Noviembre 2014. ¡Que lo disfruten! Vivienda Social en Contenedores - Arqydis Sigue leyendo